WebQoS Configuration Files
times) can be configured for a template by selecting the Advanced tab and then Corrective Actions Policy Details.
SCA Parameters
The following parameters affect the SCA only. If you change any of these parameters, you must restart the SCA.
These parameters impact measurement log files. In UNIX, the measurement log files are located in the /var/opt/webqos/measures directory. In Windows, these files are located in the
•LogInterval (minutes)
Default: 30
Range: >=1
How often, in minutes, WebQoS logs measurements to a log file. The LogOn parameter must be enabled (set to 1) before WebQoS logs measurements to the log file.
Default: 0 (disabled)
Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)
Enable or disable measurement logging. To enable measurement logging, set this parameter to 1. To disable measurement logging, set this parameter to 0.
WebQoS creates a new measurement log file daily for each WebQoS site. The measurement log file name is the site name you entered in the management console followed by the date. The log file contains performance measurements collected during the day for the site including:
—Average response time for each request class
—Number of new, redirected, deferred, and rejected sessions for each request class
Default: 0 (disabled)
Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)
Enable or disable saving measurement log files. If enabled, all measurement log files are saved. If disabled, measurement log files
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