Logs and Filters
SLOs, Thresholds, and the History Log
SLOs, Thresholds, and the History Log
You can use the SLO and the history log views to do the following:
•Verify your WebQoS configuration
•Check that your topology and web server configuration meet objectives
•Determine when objectives are not met so you can make changes to your WebQoS configuration, topology, or web server configuration to better meet the objectives
•Determine when objectives are being met so you and your customers know that their requirements are being fulfilled
| The Service Level Objectives View |
| The service level objectives view displays the status of service level SLOs |
| in the top part of the window, and the status of site SLOs and thresholds |
| in the bottom part of the window. You can rearrange the columns if you |
| wish by clicking on the column title and dragging it to its new position. |
Figure | Service Level Objectives View |
Service SLO Status | Pulldown List | ||
Site SLO Status
Status Summary Bar
96 | Chapter 7 |