HP Serviceguard Extension for SAP (SGeSAP) manual Maxdb Storage Considerations

Page 29

SAP and the note content may change at any time without further notice. Described options may have "Controlled Availability" status at SAP.

Real Application Clusters requires concurrent shared access to Oracle files from all cluster nodes. This can be achieved by installing the Oracle software on Cluster File Systems provided by HP Serviceguard Cluster File System for RAC.

There are node specific files and directories, such as the TNS configuration. These files and directories are copied to a private file system on each node. The node specific files and directories are then removed from the shared disks and symbolic links of the same name are created, the targets of which are the corresponding files in the private file system.

Table 2-9 File System Layout for Oracle RAC in SGeSAP CFS Cluster

Mount Point

Access Point

Potential Owning Packages


shared disk and CFS
















local disk; access via symbolic


link from shared disk

MAXDB Storage Considerations

SGeSAP supports failover of MAXDB databases as part of SGeSAP NFS cluster option

Cluster File Systems can not be used for the MAXDB part of SGeSAP clusters.

The considerations given below for MAXDB will also apply to liveCache and SAPDB clusters unless otherwise noticed.

MAXDB distinguishes an instance dependant path /sapdb/<DBSID> and two instance independent paths, called IndepData and IndepPrograms. By default all three point to a directory below /sapdb.

The paths can be configured in a configuration file called /var/spool/sql/ini/SAP_DBTech.ini. Depending on the version of the MAXDB database this file contains different sections and settings.

A sample SAP_DBTech.ini for a host with a SAPDB 7.4 (LC1) and an APO 3.1 using a SAPDB 7.3 database instance (AP1):











Database Instance Storage Considerations 29

Image 29
Contents Managing Serviceguard Extension for SAP Version B.05.00 Page Table of Contents SAP Master Data Management MDM 111 SGeSAP Cluster Administration 137SAP Supply Chain Management List of Figures Page List of Tables Page About this Manual Printing HistoryINSTNR, INR Related DocumentationGeneral Concepts of SGeSAP Designing SGeSAP Cluster ScenariosMutual Failover Scenarios Using the Two Package Concept Mutual Failover Scenarios Using the Two Package Concept Robust Failover Using the One Package Concept Follow-and-Push Clusters with Replicated Enqueue Applications/sap/enqor/SID ersINSTNR Replicated Enqueue Clustering for Abap and Java InstancesDedicated NFS Packages Handling of Redundant Dialog Instances Dedicated Failover Host Replicated Enqueue Clustering for Abap and Java Instances SAP Instance Storage Considerations Planning the Storage LayoutCommon Directories that are Kept Local Option 1 SGeSAP NFS ClusterDirectories that Reside on Shared Disks Option 2 SGeSAP NFS Idle Standby Cluster System and Environment Specific Volume GroupsOption 3 SGeSAP CFS Cluster Directories that Reside on CFS Database Instance Storage ConsiderationsOracle Single Instance Rdbms $ORACLEHOME/common/nls/admin/dataFile System Layout for NFS-based Oracle Clusters Oracle Real Application ClustersMaxdb Storage Considerations Globals IndepData=/sapdb/data IndepPrograms=/sapdb/programs Sapnfs Planning the Storage Layout Pgname = pkgtypeINSTNRSID Step-by-Step Cluster ConversionStep-by-Step Cluster Conversion SAP Netweaver High Availability SAP Pre-Installation ConsiderationsSAP Preparation Cmmakepkg -m sgesap/db -m sgesap/ci Cmmakepkg -m sgesap/sapinstance -m ... /sap.configCmmakepkg -m sgesap/db Cmmakepkg -m sgesap/ci Cmmakepkg -m sgesap/scs Cmmakepkg -m sgesap/ersPage Replicated Enqueue Conversion SAPINSTMASTERDVD/IMXOS/SAPINST/UNIX/OSSplitting an Abap Central Instance Volume group needs to be created for the Ascs instanceCreate a new mountpoint Su sidadm Mkdir /usr/sap/SID/ASCSINSTNRSapsystemname =SID If the used SAP kernel has a release older thanSAPLOCALHOST=DRELOC Instancename =ASCSINSTNRSAPSYSTEM=INSTNR2 Su sidadm Mkdir /usr/sap/SID/ERSINSTNR Volume group needs to be created for the ERS instanceCreation of Replication Instance Sapstartsrv Sapcontrol Servicehttp Mkdir -p exe/servicehttp/sapmcPF = $DIRPROFILE/SIDERSINSTNRAREPRELOC Scsid = INRHP-UX Configuration Ls -d /usr/sap/???/*INSTNR Directory Structure ConfigurationCluster Filesystem Configuration Installation Step IS049 Mkdir /usr/sap/SID.new Non-CFS Directory Structure ConversionMaxdb Database Step SD040 Filename localcopy checkexist Installation Step IS050Open the groupfile, /etc/group, on the primary side Open the password file, /etc/passwd, on the primary sideCluster Node Synchronization Copy the sidadm home directory to the backup nodes Look at the service file, /etc/services, on the primary sideSTARTPROFILE=STARTDVEBMGSINRsecondary STARTPROFILE=STARTDVEBMGSINRprimarySu orasid Mkdir -p /oracle/SID Exit Su sqddbsid Mkdir -p /sapdb/DBSIDMkdir -p /usr/sap/tmp Cluster Node ConfigurationMkdir /dev/vgdbSIDmknod /dev/vgdbSID/group c 64 Ssh-keygen -t dsa Swlist grep sshIddsa Iddsa.pub Ssh hostN date Ssh -l sidadm hostN dateConfigure /etc/nsswitch.conf to avoid problems External Application Server Host ConfigurationHosts filesNOTFOUND=continue UNAVAIL=continue TRYAGAIN=ns Set -uDBRELOC= Modular Package ConfigurationDB=ORACLE Sapsystem C11 Modular Package Configuration Step-by-Step Cluster Conversion Example entries for the package configuration file Sapextinstance DVEBMGS10 Sapextsystem QAS Sbin/init.d/sapinit referenced by /sbin/rc3.d/S###sapinit Cmapplyconf -P ./sap.config Serviceguard Configuration Legacy Package ConfigurationCreated configuration files need to be edited Mkdir -p /etc/cmcluster/SIDServicefailfastenabled YES Servicehalttimeout Servicename ciC11msServicename ciC11disp Touch /etc/cmcluster/SID/debugApplications/sap/enqor/SIDersinstnr Resourcename /applications/sap/enqor/C11ascsENQORSCSPKGNAMEC11=foobar ENQORREPPKGNAMEC11=foorep Distribute the package setup to all failover nodes SGeSAP ConfigurationSpecification of the Packaged SAP Components NFSRELOC= AREPNAME=ERS AREPNR=01 AREPRELOC= CINAME=DVEBMGS CINR=00DNAME0=D DNAME1=DJCINAME=SCS JCINR=01 Configuration of Application Server HandlingJCIRELOC= REPNAME=ERS REPNR=00Page Restart Stop Start $STARTWITHPKG, $STOPWITHPKG, $RESTARTDURINGFAILOVERWAITOWNAS=1 ASTREAT0=$RESTARTDURINGFAILOVER ASPLATFORM0=SG-PACKAGEASPSTART=1 WAITOWNAS=0 Optional Parameters and Customizable FunctionsWAITOWNAS=2 RFCADAPTERCMD=runadapter.sh SAPROUTERSTART0=1 SAPROUTERPORT0=-S3299RFCADAPTERSTART=1 SAPSTARTSRVSTART=1 SAPSTARTSRVSTOP=1 Global DefaultsSAPCCMSRSTART=1 Legacy Package Configuration EXEDIR= /usr/sap/SID/SYS/exe/runU HA NFS Toolkit ConfigurationJMSSERVBASE=3600 Packagename sapnfsHANFSSCRIPTEXTENSION=pkgtype Auto FS ConfigurationExport/sapmnt/SID Export/usr/sap/trans Sapmnt/SID Usr/sap/transAUTOMOUNTDOPTIONS= -L AUTOFS=1 AUTOMASTER=/etc/automaster AUTOMOUNTOPTIONS=-f $AUTOMASTERAUTOMASTER=/etc/automaster AUTOOPTIONS=-f $AUTOMASTER NFSCLIENT=1 NFSSERVER=1 NUMNFSD=4 NUMNFSIOD=4Database Configuration Perform the following steps as orasid Additional Steps for OraclePerform the following step as sidadm Lsnrctl start LISTENERSID1/2 If you use more than one SAP system inside of your clusterAdditional steps for Oracle 10g Rdbms Additional Steps for MaxdbAdditional steps for Oracle 9i Rdbms SAP Application Server Configuration Cdpro SAP Abap Engine specific configuration stepsRdisp/enqname = relocciSIDinstnr Sapmnt/SID/profile/SIDINSTNAMEINRBatch jobs can be scheduled to run on a particular instance SaplocalhostsidinstnrSID/dbhost = relocdb Icm/hostnamefull=relocatibleip SAP J2EE Engine specific installation stepsRdisp/starticman=TRUE Jdbc/pool/SID/Url jdbcoraclethin@relocdb1527SID Admin/host/SID relocdbPage SAP Supply Chain Management More About Hot Standby Option 1 Simple Clusters with Separated Packages Planning the Volume Manager SetupOption 3 Full Flexibility Option 2 Non-MAXDB EnvironmentsOption 4 Hot Standby liveCache Maxdb Storage ConsiderationsLiveCache Installation Step LC010 Synchronize the /etc/group and /etc/passwd files HP-UX Setup for Options 1, 2Copy file /etc/opt/sdb to the second cluster node Do the following to continueMkdir /sapdb Mkdir -p /sapdb/data Mkdir /sapdb/LCSIDIf you use DNS HP-UX Setup for OptionHosts filesNOTFOUND=continue UNAVAIL=continue \ TRYAGAIN=ns HORCCMRCF=1 HORCMINST=0Packagename lcLCSID SGeSAP Modular Package ConfigurationCmmakepkg -m sgesap/livecache lcLCSID.config SGeSAP Modular Package Configuration Create standard package control and configuration files SGeSAP Legacy Package ConfigurationCp /opt/cmcluster/sap/*.functions /etc/cmcluster Packagetype FailoverLCPRIMARYROLE=primarynode LCSECONDARYROLE=secondarynode Cold Admin Warm OnlineLCCOPYMECHANISM=BUSINESSCOPY Livecache Service MonitoringAVOIDWWIDCHECK=1 LCSTANDBYRESTART=1APO Setup Changes # dbmcli on hostname Lcsid quit Su lcsidadm Dbmcli -ux SAPLCSID,password -ulMv .XUSER.62 .XUSER.62.ORG Default key Sapdb/programsrelocsapnfss/export/sapdb/programs General Serviceguard Setup ChangesFor option Last step is to reconfigure the cluster with cmapplyconf1m Master Data Management User Interface Components Master Data Management OverviewSAP Netweaver XI components MDM Server ComponentsPrerequisites Installation and Configuration ConsiderationsMDM SGeSAP File System Layout Oracle/MDMSingle MDM Serviceguard Package ONE Single or Multiple MDM Serviceguard Package ConfigurationsMultiple MDM Serviceguard packages FOUR+ONE Opt/MDMMkdir -p /export/home/mdmuser Mkdir -p /home/mdmuser Run ioscan and insf to probe/install new disk devicesMkdir -p /oracle/MDM Mkdir -p /opt/MDM Installation and Configuration Considerations Haltscripttimeout Notimeout Runscripttimeout NotimeoutNodename Runscript /etc/cmcluster/MDMNFS/mdmNFS.control.scriptSbin/init.d/nfs.client stop Sbin/init.d/nfs.client start Scp -rp /etc/cmcluster/MDMNFS clunode2/etc/cmcluster/MDMNFSScp -p /etc/auto.direct clunode2/etc/auto.direct Runscript /etc/cmcluster/MDM/mdbMDM.control.script Runscript /etc/cmcluster/MDM/mgroupMDM.control.scriptHaltscript /etc/cmcluster/MDM/mgroupMDM.control.script Haltscript /etc/cmcluster/MDM/mdsMDM.control.script Haltscript /etc/cmcluster/MDM/mdbMDM.control.scriptRunscript /etc/cmcluster/MDM/mdsMDM.control.script Haltscript /etc/cmcluster/MDM/mdisMDM.control.script Runscript /etc/cmcluster/MDM/mdisMDM.control.scriptRunscript /etc/cmcluster/MDM/mdssMDM.control.script Haltscript /etc/cmcluster/MDM/mdssMDM.control.scriptSsh -X clunode1 -l oramdm Runscript /etc/cmcluster/MDM/masterMDM.control.scriptHaltscript /etc/cmcluster/MDM/masterMDM.control.script KITS/ora9208/Disk1/runInstller Specify File Locations SidmdmSetup Step MDM218 SAP Master Data Management MDM MDM = Description = Addresslist = Sidlistlistener = Sidlist = Siddesc = Globaldbname = MDM Connectdata = Server = Dedicated Servicename = MDMListener = Descriptionlist = Description = Addresslist = Installation and Configuration Considerations Create a /home/mdmuser/mdss directory Global SAP Master Data Management MDM MDMUSER=mdmuser Single Serviceguard package configure sap.configMDMLISTENERNAME=LISTENER MDMMDSRELOC= MDMPASSWORD= MDMREPOSITORYSPEC=MDMMONITORINTERVAL=60 MDMMGROUPDEPEND=mdb mds mdis mdssVi /etc/cmcluster/MDM/mdsMDM.config Servicename mdsMDMmon Servicefailfastenabled no ServicehalttimeoutCmapplyconf -P /etc/cmcluster/MDM/mdsMDM.config Cmrunpkg mgroupMDM Cmhaltpkg mgroupMDMCmrunpkg masterMDM Cmhaltpkg masterMDM System Level Changes Change ManagementSGeSAP Cluster Administration SAP Software Changes Mixed Clusters Upgrading SAP SoftwareSwlist -l bundle T2357BA T2803BA Swlist -l bundle B7885BA T2803BACd /sapmnt/SID Mkdir exeipf Cd /sapmnt/SID Mv exe exepaCd /sapmnt/SID Ln -s /sapmnt/SIDexelocal exe Cd /sapmnt Ln -s /sapmnt/SID/exepa /sapmnt/SIDexelocal
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