Reference microphone, microphone used to measure the stimulus level in the measurement process or to control it in the equalization process.
Release Time, the time required for HA output to fall to within
RTG, Reference Test Gain, the HFA gain for a 60 dB input SPL with the gain control at RTS (ANSI S3.22).
RTS, Reference Test Setting of the gain control, for a 60 dB input SPL, the setting of the gain control required to produce an HFA gain within 1.5 dB of the
RSETS, Relative Simulated Equivalent Telephone Sensitivity, difference in dB between the HFA- SPLITS
Saturation, in a hearing aid, the limiting of output caused by the output circuitry and transducer reaching their maximum capability.
SPA, Special Purpose Average, the average of values in dB at three third octave frequencies separated by 2/3 of an octave (ANSI S3.22). See also HFA.
Spectrum, the BSPL as a function of frequency for a
SII, Speech Intelligibility Index, a quantity calculated from measures of speech, noise and hearing threshold that is highly correlated with the intelligibility of speech (ANSI S3.5).
Speech Region, a statistical range of
SPL, Sound Pressure Level, rms sound pressure relative to 20 uPa, expressed in decibels. SPL = 20log10 (rms sound pressure / 20uPa).
SPLITS, coupler SPL for an inductive telephone simulator, SPL developed in a 2cc coupler by a hearing aid with the gain control at the RTS when the input is the magnetic field generated by a TMFS (ANSI S3.22).
TMFS, Telephone
THD, Total Harmonic Distortion, the rms value of all harmonic components as a percentage of the rms value of the fundamental. If less than 20%, the rms value of the total signal may be used instead of the fundamental. For most hearing aids, the inclusion of harmonics above the third will not significantly alter the THD (ANSI S3.22).
Transducer, a device which transforms energy from one form to another. For example, a microphone or earphone.
UCL, Uncomfortable Listening Level, the level for a specified stimulus that is judged to be definitely uncomfortable.
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