Easy Internet
Internet connection, high speed, 9 Internet Service Provider (ISP),
defined, 31
InterVideo WinDVD Player, using, 55
customizing buttons, 29 features, 21, 22 indicators, 26 troubleshooting, 81 types of buttons, 26 using, 21
wireless, 24 keyboard keys
alphanumeric, 24 arrow, 25
edit, 25
function keys, 25 numeric, 26
LEDs, defined, 23 logging off, 16
manuals, online, 40 memory card reader card types, 48
microphone adjusting volume, 45 using, 44
using with
modem setting up, 8 V.92, 9
monitor, 10
changing resolution, 29
changing where desktop displays, 29 selecting, 29
troubleshooting, 77 mouse
autoscroll feature, 20 buttons, 20
pointer speed, adjusting, 21 scrolling, 20 troubleshooting, 81 using, 19
wireless, 19
connecting, 42 selecting, 43
using a microphone, 45
problem with, 82 music
Help in MusicMatch Jukebox, 54 Help in Windows Media
Player, 55, 59 keyboard button, 27 MusicMatch Jukebox, 27, 53 playing, 53, 54 Windows Media Player, 54
music CDs, closed session, 58 Mute button, 28
Net. See Internet, about network interface
about, 9 no sound, 74
Off button. See turning off PC On button, 7
online manuals, 40 onscreen guides, 19 operating system, 15 reinstalling, 93
operating system help, 40
organizing Internet links and the PC, 17 Outlook Express, 35
panning, scrolling mouse, 20
Application Recovery, 86, 91 hibernation mode, automatic, 13 information about, 17 learning to use, 17