Marley / MC Fluid Cooler / Specifications: Options
Access Door Platform:
11.4Add the following paragraph in the Access section: There shall be an access platform at the base of the fluid cooler extending across the width of the casing. The platform shall be gal- vanized steel bar grating, supported by galvanized steel framework attached to the fluid cooler. The platform shall be surrounded by a handrail, kneerail, and toeboard.
Distribution System Access Door Platform:
10.5Add the following paragraph in the Access section: There shall be an access platform at the level of the distribution system access door. The platform shall be galvanized steel bar grating, supported by
Control Options
Control System:
6.4Add the following paragraph in the Mechanical Equipment section: The fluid cooler shall be equipped with a
UL 508 control system in a IP14 or IP56 outdoor enclosure capable of controlling
Specification Value
■Where fluid coolers are installed on an elevated grillage or piers, it is often difficult to get
■This platform provides easy, safe and comfortable access to the access door facilitating inspection of the fill, distribution nozzles and the underside of the drift eliminators.
■If it is your opinion that the control system for the fluid cooler be part of the fluid cooler manufacturer’s responsibility, we are in whole- hearted agreement with you. Who better to determine the most effi- cient mode and manner of a fluid cooler’s
Marley variable speed drives are also available for the ultimate in temperature control, energy management and mechanical equipment longevity.