Using the Windows Logo Key
Use the Windows Logo key in combination with other keys to perform certain functions available in the Windows operating system.
Table 1-7 Windows Logo Key Functions
Windows Logo Key + | Windows 7 | Windows 8 |
no other key | Displays the Start menu | Displays the Start screen |
c |
| Opens charms |
d | Displays the Desktop | Displays the Desktop |
e | Launches My Computer | Opens Windows Explorer |
f | Launches Find Document | Goes to files in Search charm |
Ctrl + f | Launches Find Computer | Launches Find Computer |
g | Cycles through gadgets | Cycles through gadgets |
h |
| Goes to Share charm |
i |
| Goes to Settings charm |
k |
| Goes to Devices charm |
l | Locks the computer if you are connected to |
| a network domain, or allows you to switch |
| users if you are not connected to a network |
| domain |
Locks the computer if you are connected to a network domain, or allows you to switch users if you are not connected to a network domain
m | Minimizes all open applications | Minimizes all open applications |
o |
| Locks screen orientation |
p | Choose a presentation display mode | Opens projection options |
q |
| Goes to Search charm |
r | Launches the Run dialog box | Launches the Run dialog box |
t | Cycles through programs on the taskbar | Cycles through programs on the taskbar |
u | Launches Ease of Access Center | Launches Ease of Access Center |
v |
| Cycles through notifications |
w |
| Goes to Settings in Search charm |
x | Opens Windows Mobility Center if present | Opens Windows Mobility Center if present |
z |
| Opens applications bar |
F1 | Launches Windows Help | Launches Windows Help |
Tab | Cycles through programs on the Taskbar | Cycles through metro application history |
| using the Windows Flip |
Ctrl + Tab | Use the arrow keys to cycle through | Use the arrow keys to cycle through metro |
| programs on the Taskbar by using Windows | application history |
| Flip |
Spacebar | Brings all gadgets to the front and select |
| Windows Sidebar |
Switches input language and keyboard layout
8 Chapter 1 Product Features