hp digital copier
replace 38
replacement verification 37 troubleshooting 65
quality 16
quality of copies 60
reduce a copy 2, 16, 19
replace the flat lid with an ADF 27 reports
color calibration 47 restore factory defaults 48 returning your hp digital copier 72 ring and beep volume 50
country and language 49 number of copies 18 power save mode 50
best copy quality 16 copy a photo 19 copy color intensity 17 copy defaults 18 copy quality 16 copy speed 16 country/region and language 49 darken a copy 17
enlarge a copy 16 fast copy quality 16 lighten a copy 17 normal copy quality 16 paper tray 13 power save mode 50 reduce a copy 16 save copy 18
text enhancement 18 shift margins 22
special features 3, 21, 22, 23, 25 limitations 7
standard flat lid 27 stickers, load 12 stop
copy 25 streaks 61, 62
supply, check ink level 36 support services 71
telephone numbers 71 text
enhance 18 transparency film
recommend choices 9 tips on loading 12
troubleshoot paper jams 53
paper not feeding correctly 55 troubleshoot ink cartridges and printheads 65 troubleshoot paper types 56 troubleshooting
blurred copy 62 color are bleeding 61 copies do not look right 59 copy color 59
copy problems 56 cut off copy 62 even surfaces 56 failure to copy 58 failure to
out of paper 56 paper orientation 61 printhead alignment 67 printheads 61, 65 slanted or skewed copy 60 too light or dark 64 unfilled text or graphics 64 unit does not copy 56 unit is not responding 56 vertical streaks 62 wrong size paper 56
troubleshooting tips 53
load 12 tutorial
before you begin 15
attach 29 jams 54
warning light 3 warranty 71
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