The STATus subsystem reports the bit values of a Standard Operation Status register. It enables the Status register to set a bit after a bit is set to 1 by the Standard Operation register.
Subsystem Syntax STATus
[:EVENt]? :ENABle <number>
:OPERation[:EVENt]? STATus:OPERation[:EVENt]? returns the bit value of the Operation Status register (only bit 8 is used by the multiplexer modules).
Comments ∙ Setting Bit 8 of the Operation Status Register: Bit 8 (Scan Complete) is set to 1 after a scanning cycle completes. Bit 8 returns 0 after sending the STATus:OPERation[:EVENt]? command.
∙Returned Data after sending the STATus:OPERation[:EVENt]?
Command: The command returns +256 if bit 8 of the Operation Status register is set to 1. The command returns +0 if bit 8 of the Operation Status register is set to 0.
∙Related Commands: [ROUTe:]SCAN
Example Reading the Operation Status Register After a Scanning Cycle
STAT:OPER? | ! Returns the bit values of the |
| Standard Operation Status |
| register. Returns +256 if bit 8 is |
| set to 1 or returns +0 if bit 8 is set |
| to 0. |
:OPERation:ENABle STATus:OPERation:ENABle <number> enables the Operation Status register to set a bit in the Status register. For RF multiplexer modules, setting bit 8 in the Operation Status register to 1 sets bit 7 in the Status register to 1.
| Parameter Name | Parameter Type | Range of Values |
| <number> | numeric | |
Comments | ∙ Setting Bit 7 of the Status Register: |
STATus:OPERation:ENABle 256 sets bit 7 of the Status register to 1 after bit 8 of the Operation Status register is set to 1.
∙Related Commands: [ROUTe:]SCAN
Example Enabling Status Register Bit 7
STAT:OPER:ENAB 256 | ! Enables bit 7 of Status register |
Chapter 5 | HP E1366A/E1367A RF Multiplexers Command Reference 53 |