writing to channel enable, 67 writing to Status/Control, 67
Relay Life, 61
Relay Replacement Strategy, 63 RES, 32, 48, 52, 60
ROUTe: subsystem, 48 - 52 ROUTe:CLOSe, 37, 48, 60 ROUTe:CLOSe?, 49, 60 ROUTe:OPEN, 49, 60 ROUTe:OPEN?, 50, 60 ROUTe:SCAN, 37, 51, 60 ROUTe:SCAN:MODE, 52, 60 ROUTe:SCAN:MODE?, 37, 52
Safety warnings, 6 Scan Complete Bit
setting and using, 36
Scan Complete Interrupt, example of, 36 Scan List, extending across boundaries, 30 SCAN, (ROUTe:SCAN), 51 SCAN:MODE, (ROUTe:SCAN:MODE), 52 SCAN:MODE?, (ROUTe:SCAN:MODE?), 52 Scanning
channels, 29 - 31 channels comments, 30 commands, 31 external instruments, 31 trigger sources, 31, 33
using Event In Port, example of, 35 using Trig Out Port, example of, 29, 35 with external device, 34
SCPI Commands, 13, 37 format, 37
linking multiple commands, 39 optional parameters, 39 parameters, 39
quick reference, 60 reference, 40 specifying, 13
with IEEE 488.2 commands, 39 Service Request (SRQ),
continuous scans, 30 multiple scans, 30 scan complete bit, 36
SOURce, (TRIGger:SOURce), 57 SOURce?, (TRIGger:SOURce?), 58
Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments see SCPI Commands, 13
Standard Switching, example of, 26 STATe, (OUTPut[:STATe]), 47
STATe?, (OUTPut[:STATe]?), 47 Status Register, 36
STAtus subsystem, 53 STATus:OPERation:ENABle, 36, 53, 60 STATus:OPERation:EVENt?, 36, 53 STATus:OPERation[:EVENT]?, 60 Switch
logical address, 23 setting of, 23
card numbers, 14 configuration, 14 multiple module, 14
multiple module, example of, 14 scanning channels, 29, 31 selecting channels, 13
single module, 14 Switching Channels, 25 Switching Diagram, 12 SYSTem subsystem, 54 SYSTem:CDEScription?, 54, 60 SYSTem:CPON, 55, 60 SYSTem:CTYPe?, 54, 60 SYSTem:ERRor?, 54, 60
Termination resistor, 11, 23 Tree Switching, example of, 27 Trigger Sources, scanning, 31 TRIGger subsystem, 56 - 58 TRIGger:SOURce, 25, 31, 57, 60 TRIGger:SOURce?, 58, 60 TRIGger[:IMMediate], 56, 60
User Inputs, connecting, 18
VOLT, 32, 48, 52, 60
Warranty, 5
to registers, 67