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HP OfficeJet V Series

Verify that the cable is securely connected to your HP OfficeJet and directly connected to the applicable port of your PC. After the cable is connected properly, turn your HP OfficeJet off and then on again.

Turn your HP OfficeJet off and then on again, and then restart your PC.

Check that the front panel cover is installed correctly and that its edges are even with the sides of the unit. Also make sure that all the buttons can move freely.

If the previous steps do not solve the problem, you must perform a forced uninstall using the uninstall software on the CD-ROM. See “New Hardware message appears (Windows 98 or 2000)” for more information.


If you set up your HP OfficeJet and connect it directly to your PC before you install the software, you may encounter one of the following:

If the message is still visible on your screen, do the following:

1Press Esc to exit the message without making any changes.

2Turn off your HP OfficeJet.

3Disconnect your HP OfficeJet


Chapter 9—Additional setup information

Image 40
Contents Hp officejet v series 1RWLFH Rqwhqwv Contents 5HYLHZ\RXUXQLW¶VIURQWSDQHO Following shows the left side of the front panelFollowing shows the right side of the front panel 8VH\RXU+3 2IILFH-HWZLWKD3 5HYLHZWKHLUHFWRU5HYLHZWKHVWDWXVZLQGRZ Icon IndicatesHwkhos KHUHFDQ,ILQGKHOSGet help RDGSDSHURUWUDQVSDUHQF\ILOPRUORDGRULJLQDOV Load paper or transparency film, or load originals 5HYLHZWLSVIRUORDGLQJVSHFLILFW\SHVRISDSHU Paper TipsRDGWKHLQSXWWUD\ZLWKHQYHORSHVRQO\ZRUNVZLWKSULQWLQJ To do this for a copy job 6HWWKHSDSHUW\SHTo do this for a print job To do this using the front panel To do this using the PCKdqjhwkhsdshuvlh Rdgruljlqdov$YRLGSDSHUMDPV HP OfficeJet V Series 8VHWKHSULQWIHDWXUHV 6WDUWDSULQWMRE 8VHWKHVFDQIHDWXUHV Hjlqdvfdq QLWLDWHWKHVFDQSURFHVVIURP\RXU+3 2IILFH-HWQLWLDWHWKHVFDQSURFHVVIURP\RXU3 Press START, Black or ColorLqlvkwkhvfdq To send the scan to a destinationClick Send Now To print the scan To save the scan to a fileHP OfficeJet V Series 8VHWKHFRS\IHDWXUHV QLWLDWHWKHFRS\SURFHVVIURP\RXU+3 2IILFH-HW 0DNHFRSLHVLQLWLDWHWKHFRS\SURFHVVIURP\RXUSF 3KRWRLWWR3DJH Click Start CopyPress START, Black or Color To do this using the PC Special Features area, select Photo Fit to Click Start Copy6WRSFRS\LQJ Press the Photo Fit to Page button8VHWKHIDIHDWXUHV QdeohidfrqilupdwlrqUse the fax features To send a fax without changing settings 6HQGDIDQLWLDWHWKHIDSURFHVVIURP\RXU+3 2IILFH-HW QLWLDWHWKHIDSURFHVVIURP\RXU36HOHFWWKH Qlwldwhwkhidsurfhvviurpzlwklqdsurjudp 5HFHLYHDIDClick Send Fax Now 5HFHLYHDIDDXWRPDWLFDOO\ Phone answering area, select Automatic To prepare to receive a fax manually using the PC To prepare to receive a fax manually using the front panel5HFHLYHDIDPDQXDOO\ Phone answering area, select Manual 6DYHIUHTXHQWO\XVHGIDQXPEHUV To receive a fax manually HP OfficeJet V Series $GGLWLRQDOVHWXSLQIRUPDWLRQ 0LFURVRIW¶VSOXJDQGSOD\PHVVDJHVGRQRWDSSHDU1HZ+DUGZDUHPHVVDJHDSSHDUVLQGRZVRU 6HWXSIRUQHWZRUNSULQWLQJXVLQJLQGRZVVKDULQJ LQGRZV$GG3ULQWHUIHDWXUHRXU3&LVXQDEOHWRFRPPXQLFDWHZLWK\RXU+3 2IILFH-HW 6HWWKHGDWHDQGWLPH 6HWEDVLFIDVHWWLQJVXVLQJWKHIURQWSDQHO6HWWKHIDKHDGHU 6HWWKHDQVZHUPRGH Qwhuwhw6HWWKH5LQJVWR$QVZHUVHWWLQJ 5HPRYHDQGUHLQVWDOO\RXU+3 2IILFH-HWVRIWZDUH Khfnirugldowrqh8VH+HZOHWW3DFNDUG¶VVXSSRUWVHUYLFHV QwhuqhwUse Hewlett-Packard’s support services 7HFKQLFDOLQIRUPDWLRQ 3RZHUVSHFLILFDWLRQV5HJXODWRU\QRWLFHV 1RWLFHWRXVHUVRIWKH&DQDGLDQWHOHSKRQHQHWZRUN 1RWLFHWRXVHUVRIWKH*HUPDQWHOHSKRQHQHWZRUN HFODUDWLRQ2I&RQIRUPLW\ HP OfficeJet V Series QGH Specifications power 45 speed dialing 33 status window +32IILFH-HWPHQX 6HWXS 3KRWRLWWR3DJH C8413-90191
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