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HP OfficeJet V Series


The Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment. This certification means that the equipment meets certain telecommunications network protective, operational and safety requirements as prescribed in the appropriate Terminal Equipment Technical Requirements document(s). The Department does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the user's satisfaction.

Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to be connected to the facilities of the local telecommunications company. The equipment must also be installed using an acceptable method of connection. The customer should be aware that compliance with the above conditions may not prevent degradation of service in some situations.

Repairs to certified equipment should be coordinated by a representative designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or equipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment.

Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are connected together. This precaution may be particularly important in rural areas.


Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the appropriate


electric inspection authority, or electrician, as appropriate.



1RWLFH￿ The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) assigned to each terminal device provides an indication of the maximum number of terminals allowed to be connected to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the sum of the Ringer Equivalence Numbers of all the devices does not exceed 5.

The REN for this product is 0.3B, based on FCC Part 68 test results.


This product is designed to interwork with the analogue telephone networks in the following countries:





































Network compatibility depends on customer selected settings, which must be reset to use the equipment on a telephone network in a country other than where the product was purchased. Contact the vendor or Hewlett- Packard Company if addition product support is necessary.

This equipment comes with a telephone connector specific to the country where it was purchased.

This equipment has been certified by the manufacturer in accordance with Directive 1999/5/EC (annex II) for Pan- European single-terminal connection to the public switched telephone network (PSTN). However, due to differences between the individual PSTNs provided in different countries, the approval does not, of itself, give an unconditional assurance of successful operation on every PSTN network termination point.

In the event of problems, you should contact your equipment supplier in the first instance.


This equipment is designed for DTMF tone dialing and loop disconnect dialing. In the unlikely event of problems with loop disconnect dialing, it is recommended to use this equipment only with the DTMF tone dial setting.

Chapter 11—Technical information


Image 49
Contents Hp officejet v series 1RWLFH Rqwhqwv Contents Following shows the left side of the front panel 5HYLHZ\RXUXQLW¶VIURQWSDQHOFollowing shows the right side of the front panel 5HYLHZWKHLUHFWRU 8VH\RXU+3 2IILFH-HWZLWKD3Icon Indicates 5HYLHZWKHVWDWXVZLQGRZKHUHFDQ,ILQGKHOS HwkhosGet help RDGSDSHURUWUDQVSDUHQF\ILOPRUORDGRULJLQDOV Load paper or transparency film, or load originals Paper Tips 5HYLHZWLSVIRUORDGLQJVSHFLILFW\SHVRISDSHURDGWKHLQSXWWUD\ZLWKHQYHORSHVRQO\ZRUNVZLWKSULQWLQJ To do this for a copy job 6HWWKHSDSHUW\SHTo do this for a print job To do this using the PC To do this using the front panelKdqjhwkhsdshuvlh Rdgruljlqdov$YRLGSDSHUMDPV HP OfficeJet V Series 8VHWKHSULQWIHDWXUHV 6WDUWDSULQWMRE 8VHWKHVFDQIHDWXUHV QLWLDWHWKHVFDQSURFHVVIURP\RXU+3 2IILFH-HW HjlqdvfdqQLWLDWHWKHVFDQSURFHVVIURP\RXU3 Press START, Black or ColorTo send the scan to a destination LqlvkwkhvfdqClick Send Now To print the scan To save the scan to a fileHP OfficeJet V Series 8VHWKHFRS\IHDWXUHV QLWLDWHWKHFRS\SURFHVVIURP\RXU+3 2IILFH-HW 0DNHFRSLHVLQLWLDWHWKHFRS\SURFHVVIURP\RXUSF Click Start Copy 3KRWRLWWR3DJHSpecial Features area, select Photo Fit to Click Start Copy Press START, Black or Color To do this using the PC6WRSFRS\LQJ Press the Photo Fit to Page buttonQdeohidfrqilupdwlrq 8VHWKHIDIHDWXUHVUse the fax features 6HQGDID To send a fax without changing settingsQLWLDWHWKHIDSURFHVVIURP\RXU+3 2IILFH-HW QLWLDWHWKHIDSURFHVVIURP\RXU36HOHFWWKH Qlwldwhwkhidsurfhvviurpzlwklqdsurjudp 5HFHLYHDIDClick Send Fax Now 5HFHLYHDIDDXWRPDWLFDOO\ Phone answering area, select Automatic To prepare to receive a fax manually using the PC To prepare to receive a fax manually using the front panel5HFHLYHDIDPDQXDOO\ Phone answering area, select Manual 6DYHIUHTXHQWO\XVHGIDQXPEHUVTo receive a fax manually HP OfficeJet V Series 0LFURVRIW¶VSOXJDQGSOD\PHVVDJHVGRQRWDSSHDU $GGLWLRQDOVHWXSLQIRUPDWLRQ1HZ+DUGZDUHPHVVDJHDSSHDUVLQGRZVRU 6HWXSIRUQHWZRUNSULQWLQJXVLQJLQGRZVVKDULQJ LQGRZV$GG3ULQWHUIHDWXUHRXU3&LVXQDEOHWRFRPPXQLFDWHZLWK\RXU+3 2IILFH-HW 6HWWKHGDWHDQGWLPH 6HWEDVLFIDVHWWLQJVXVLQJWKHIURQWSDQHO6HWWKHIDKHDGHU 6HWWKHDQVZHUPRGH Qwhuwhw6HWWKH5LQJVWR$QVZHUVHWWLQJ Khfnirugldowrqh 5HPRYHDQGUHLQVWDOO\RXU+3 2IILFH-HWVRIWZDUHQwhuqhw 8VH+HZOHWW3DFNDUG¶VVXSSRUWVHUYLFHV Use Hewlett-Packard’s support services 3RZHUVSHFLILFDWLRQV 7HFKQLFDOLQIRUPDWLRQ5HJXODWRU\QRWLFHV 1RWLFHWRXVHUVRIWKH&DQDGLDQWHOHSKRQHQHWZRUN 1RWLFHWRXVHUVRIWKH*HUPDQWHOHSKRQHQHWZRUN HFODUDWLRQ2I&RQIRUPLW\ HP OfficeJet V Series QGH Specifications power 45 speed dialing 33 status window +32IILFH-HWPHQX 6HWXS 3KRWRLWWR3DJH C8413-90191
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