DRAM Voltage
Use this to select DRAM Voltage. Configuration options: [Auto], [1.72V], [1.81V], [1.86V], [1.90V], [1.95V], [1.99V], [2.04V] and [2.13V]. The default value of this feature is [Auto].
NB Core Voltage
Use this to select Northbridge Core Voltage. Configuration options: [Auto], [Low] and [High]. The default value of this feature is [Auto].
VTT Voltage
Use this to select VTT Voltage. Configuration options: [Auto], [Low] and [High]. The default value of this feature is [Auto].
+1.05V Voltage
Use this to select +1.05V Voltage. Configuration options: [Auto], [Low] and [High]. The default value of this feature is [Auto].
+1.50V Voltage
Use this to select +1.50V Voltage. Configuration options: [Auto], [Low] and [High]. The default value of this feature is [Auto].
Use this to adjust DRAM RCOMP Setting feature. Configuration options: [Auto] and [Manual]. The default value of this feature is [Auto].