DRAM RAS# Precharge
This controls the idle clocks after a precharge command is issued. Con- figuration options: [Auto], [3 DRAM Clocks], [4 DRAM Clocks], [5 DRAM Clocks] and [6 DRAM Clocks].
DRAM RAS# Activate to Precharge
This controls the number of DRAM clocks for TRAS. Configuration options: Configuration options: [Auto], [9 DRAM Clocks], [10 DRAM Clocks], [11 DRAM Clocks], [12 DRAM Clocks], [13 DRAM Clocks], [14 DRAM Clocks] and [15 DRAM Clocks].
Primary Graphics Adapter
This allows you to select [Onboard], [PCI] or [PCI Express] as the boot graphic adapter priority. The default value is [PCI].
Internal Graphics Mode Select
If you select [Auto], the onboard VGA will be automatically disabled when you install VGA card; the onboard VGA will be enabled without the installation of any
DVMT Mode Select
Use this option to adjust DVMT mode. Configuration options: [Fixed Mode] and [DVMT Mode]. The default value is [DVMT Mode]. DVMT (Dynamic Video Memory Technology) is an architecture that offers breakthrough performance for the motherboard through efficient memory utilization. In Fixed mode, a
You are allowed to adjust the shared memory size in this item if you set DVMT Mode Select as [DVMT Mode]. Configuration options: [128MB], [256MB] and [Maximum DVMT]. The option [Maximum DVMT] only appears when you adopt the memory module with 1024MB or above.
OnBoard HD Audio
Select [Auto], [Enabled] or [Disabled] for the onboard HDAudio feature. If you select [Auto], the onboard HD Audio will be disabled when PCI Sound Card is plugged.
Front Panel
Select [Auto], [Enabled] or [Disabled] for the onboard HD Audio Front Panel.
OnBoard Lan
This allows you to enable or disable the “OnBoard Lan” feature.