C.Baffle Removal
1.Remove all ash from the firebox, and extinguish all hot embers before disposal into a metal container.
2.Remove the baffle protection channel by rotating it down from the front tube. Figure 22.2.
3.The baffle board has 2 pieces. With the ceramic blanket still in place, slide one baffle piece over the top of other one and pull out top piece through the door opening and then remove bottom baffle piece. Figure 22.1.
4.Remove the ceramic blanket.
6.Slide the baffle pieces one piece at a time underneath the blanket. Be sure the baffle boards are even with the front manifold tube and is resting on all tubes. Figure 22.1 and 22.2.
Baffle Boards & Blanket even with front tube and resting on tubes
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Ceramic Blanket on Top
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Baffle Board
Baffle | Tube Channels |
Protection |
Channel |
Figure 22.2
Figure 22.1 - Baffle
22 | Heatilator • |