Jabra BT200 user manual Introduction, What’s in the Package?

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The JABRA BT200 Bluetooth Headset is a lightweight wireless headset utilising Bluetooth technology. The Bluetooth Multi-Adapter supplied plugs directly into your non-Bluetooth phone to allow convenient cordless connection. (Connection varies with phone model and may require an audio adapter) The Headset contains a microphone and a speaker, and is intended for hands free communications with mobile phones. Power for the Bluetooth Multi-Adapter and Headset are provided by an integral rechargeable battery. The battery must be charged with the supplied charger / holder and mains power adapter. Battery Life is approximately 3 hours (“Talk Time”) and 96 hours standby time.

Please read this user booklet before you start using the product and make sure that you:

Fully charge your JABRA BT200 headset and Multi-Adapter before you use it the first time. (see Page 13)

Make sure that connect the Multi-Adapter to your mobile phone before you start making calls. (see page 16)

Thank you for choosing the JABRA BT200, we hope that you are happy with your choice!

What’s in the Package?

Your JABRA BT200 Bluetooth headset includes a Bluetooth headset, Bluetooth Multi-Adapter and charging solution.

Enclosed in this package you will find:

One JABRA BT200 Bluetooth headset (Headset Includes One JABRA MiniGel)

One JABRA Multi-Adapter – Bluetooth Adapter, Audio Connector, headset holder and battery charger.

One JABRA mains power adapter – used with the Multi-Adapter for charging the headset and Multi-Adapter batteries.

(Please use only the supplied compatible charger for this device)

One removable charging cradle clip – to attach the headset to you for easy carrying

One JABRA Audio socket adapter (included in certain versions)

One small stylus for ‘pairing’ the Multi-Adapter.

Two spare JABRA MiniGels

One JABRA BT200 User Guide



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Contents Jabra For Non Bluetooth PhonesEnglish What’s in the Package? IntroductionJabra BT200 Bluetooth Headset Features Audio qualityMulti-Adapter Choose Right or Left Ear Wearing Style Placing the Headset on your EarOrder to wear the headset please follow these instructions Turning your headset on and OFF Using your Jabra BT200 HeadsetUsing the audio adapter Using the stylus switchLow Battery Warning Linking Pairing the Headset to the Multi-adapterMaking a Call from the Mobile Phone Connecting the multi-adapter to your phoneMaking a Call Using Voice Dialing Making a Call with the Jabra BT200Headset First Keypad FirstFrom the Multi-Adapter Optimising Audio Quality Speaker Volume & Volume Control ButtonsTone / Blink High Setting Tone / Blink Low SettingMulti-Adapter State LED Indication State Using Jabra BT200 with Bluetooth PhonesAudio & Visual Indicators Headset State LED Indication StateStorage Of Headset Jabra BT200 SpecificationsCertification and Safety Approvals / General Information Bluetooth ComplianceUse only the supplied and approved AC charger Warranty & Parts ReplacementFrançais Contenu du paquet Adaptateur fonctionne Fonctions du casque BluetoothCasque et le mobile Casque ou pour régler la qualité audioPlacement du casque sur l’oreille Choisir l’oreille sur laquelle porter le casquePlacer le MiniGel dans le Canal auriculaire Pour arrêter le casque Utilisation du casque Jabra BT200Mise en marche et arrêt ON/OFF de votre casque Relâchez le bouton multifonctionsUtilisation de l’adaptateur audio Utilisation de l’interrupteur du styletAvertisseur pile faible Coupler associer le casque au multi-adaptateurEffectuer un appel à l’aide de la reconnaissance vocale Effectuer un appel à partir du Jabra BT200Branchement du multi-adaptateur sur votre téléphone Effectuer un appel à partir du téléphone mobileClavier d’abord Terminer un appel à partir du casqueRecevoir/Répondre à un appel Casque d’abordTransférer un appel Volume du haut-parleur et réglage du volumePartir du multi-adaptateur Répondre en utilisant le clavier du téléphoneUtilisation du Jabra BT200 avec des mobiles Bluetooth Optimiser la qualité audioTonalités/clignotements État du casque Signal indicateur Indicateurs sonore et visuelÉtat du casque Indicateur audio Rangement du casque Compatibilité BluetoothBluetooth est une marque appartenant à Bluetooth SIG, Inc Spécifications Jabra BT200La garantie ne s’applique qu’à l’acheteur original Garantie et remplacement des piècesDeutsch Packungsinhalt EinleitungDer Audioqualität Funktionen des Jabra BT200 Bluetooth-HeadsetsSetzen Sie das MiniGel Den Gehörkanal ein Befestigung des Headsets am OhrVerwendung am linken oder rechten Ohr Befestigen Sie das Headset wie folgt am OhrEin- und Ausschalten des Headsets Verwendung Ihres Jabra BT200 HeadsetsVerwendung des Audioadapters Verwendung des GriffelschaltersWarnsignale bei schwachen Akku Tätigen eines Anrufs mit dem Jabra BT200 Tätigen eines Anrufs vom Mobiltelefon ausTätigen eines Anrufs mit Sprachwahl Tastatur zuerst Beenden eines Anrufs vom Headset ausEntgegennahme/Beantwortung eines Anrufs Headset zuerstLautstärkeregelung Optimierung der AudioqualitätWeiterleitung eines Anrufs Multiadapterstatus LED-Anzeige Verwendung des Jabra BT200 mit Bluetooth-TelefonenAudio- und visuelle Anzeigen Headset-Status LED-AnzeigeHeadset-Lagerung Bluetooth-FähigkeitBluetooth ist ein Warenzeichen von Bluetooth SIG, Inc Technische Daten des Jabra BT200Garantie und Ersatzteile Italiano Contenuto della confezione IntroduzioneCaratteristiche dell’auricolare Bluetooth Jabra BT200 Per regolare la qualità dell’audioMulti-adattatore Avvolgere la parte superiore Come indossare l’auricolare sull’orecchio destro o sinistroPosizionamento dell’auricolare sull’orecchio Per indossare l’auricolare, seguire le istruzioni seguentiFissaggio della clip del supporto del caricatore Utilizzo dell’auricolare Jabra BT200Automaticamente Attivato Del multi-adattatoreAdattatore audio JABRA. Per collegare il multi Utilizzo dell’interruttore stiloUtilizzo dell’adattatore audio Dispone, è possibile che la confezione includa unTono di avviso di batteria scarica ’auricolare e il multi-adattatore sono ora abbinatiMulti-adattatore sono ora abbinati Esecuzione di una chiamata mediante il richiamo vocale Esecuzione di una chiamata conCollegamento del multi-adattatore al telefono Esecuzione di una chiamata dal telefono cellularePrima il tastierino numerico Conclusione di una chiamata mediante l’auricolareRicezione/risposta a una chiamata Prima l’auricolareDal multi-adattatore Trasferimento di una chiamata101 103 Utilizzo di Jabra BT200 con telefoni BluetoothOttimizzazione della qualità dell’audio Assicurarsi che l’alimentazione di rete CA non sia inseritaStato auricolare Segnale acustico Spie ed indicatori acusticiTabella spie Stato auricolare Stato segnale LEDConformità Bluetooth Specifiche Jabra BT200Conservazione dell’auricolare 109 Garanzia e sostituzione di componenti110 111 NederlandsInleiding Deze verpakking bevat112 Eigenschappen van de Jabra BT200 Bluetooth headset Geluidskwaliteit in te stellen115 Plaatsing van de headset over het oor Kiezen voor dragen over linker-of rechteroorGebruik van de Jabra BT200 headset Headset in- en uitschakelenDe clip van het oplaadstation bevestigen De penschakelaar gebruiken De audio-adapter gebruiken121 123 Alarm lege batterijTelefoneren met Voice Dialing Telefoneren met de Jabra BT200De multi-adapter aansluiten op uw telefoon Telefoneren met de mobiele telefoonToetsenset eerst Beëindiging van een gesprek met de headsetOntvangen / beantwoorden van een gesprek Headset eerst129 Luidsprekervolume en volumeknoppenVanaf de multi-adapter Een gesprek doorschakelenTabel indicatielampjes Gebruik van Jabra BT200 met Bluetooth-toestellenGeluidssignalen en indicatielampjes De geluidskwaliteit optimaal instellenDe headset bewaren Stand headset GeluidssignalenBluetooth-compatibiliteit Specificaties Jabra BT200135 Garantie & Vervanging van onderdelenGebruik uitsluitend de bijgeleverde en goedgekeurde oplader De garantie geldt uitsluitend voor de oorspronkelijke koper137 138 139 EspañolIntroducción ¿Qué contiene el paquete?141 Multi-adaptador Auricular Jabra BT200 Bluetooth CaracterísticasAuricular Con el auricular, o para ajustar la calidad de sonidoColocación del auricular en la oreja ¿En qué oreja va a llevar el auricular?Oirá un ‘clic’ cuando encaje correctamente 147 Uso del auricular Jabra BT200Cómo encender y apagar el auricular Cómo acoplar el clipDe la batería Uso del interruptor ocultoUso del adaptador de audio Enlace emparejado del auricular y el multi-adaptador Advertencia de batería baja151 153 Conexión del multi-adaptador y el teléfonoCómo hacer una llamada desde el teléfono móvil Cómo hacer una llamada usando la marcación por vozPrimero el teclado Cómo terminar una llamada usando el auricularCómo recibir/contestar una llamada Primero el auricular157 Cómo transferir una llamadaTabla de Indicadores Visuales Uso del Jabra BT200 con teléfonos BluetoothOptimización de la calidad de audio Indicadores sonoros y visualesEstado del Compatibilidad BluetoothJabra BT200 Especificaciones Cómo almacenar el auricularBluetooth es una marca propiedad del Bluetooth SIG, Inc Garantía y sustitución de piezas163 165 166 167 DanskHvad er der i pakken? IndledningJabra BT200 Bluetooth-hovedtelefon funktioner Placering af hovedtelefonen på øret Brug af hovedtelefonen på højre eller venstre øreDu kan høre et klik, når den sidder korrekt Brug af Jabra BT200-hovedtelefonenSlå hovedtelefonen TIL og FRA Fastgørelse af opladningsholderens klemmeOpladning og batteritid Brug af funktionsomskifterenBrug af lydadapteren 178 Foretage et opkald med taleopkald Foretage et opkald med Jabra BT200Tilslutning af multiadapteren til din telefon Foretage et opkald fra mobiltelefonenHovedtelefon først Tastatur førstFra multiadapteren Tone/Blink Lav indstilling 185 Optimere lydkvalitetenHøjttalerlydstyrke og lydstyrkeknapper 184Multiadapterens tilstand Tilstand for indikatorlampe Brug af Jabra BT200 med Bluetooth-telefonerLydindikatorer og visuelle indikatorer Tilstand for indikatorlampeBluetooth er et varemærke tilhørende Bluetooth SIG, Inc 189 Specifikationer for Jabra BT200Opbevaring af hovedtelefon Garanti og udskiftning af dele Brug kun den medfølgende og godkendte vekselstrømsoplader191 192 193 SuomiJohdanto Pakkauksen sisältö195 197 ToimintatilanKuulokkeen asettaminen korvaan Kuuloke oikeassa tai vasemmassa korvassaKuulet napsauksen, kun pidike asettuu paikalleen Jabra BT200-kuulokkeen käyttäminenKuulokkeen kytkeminen päälle ja pois Lataustelineen pidikkeen kiinnitysAseta laturin pistoke pistorasiaan Lataus ja akun kestoPiilopainikkeen käyttäminen Audiosovittimen käyttäminenKuulokkeen liittäminen yleissovittimeen Alhaisen varauksen osoitus204 Puhelun soittaminen äänikomennon avulla Puhelun soittaminen Jabra BT200n avullaYleissovittimen liittäminen puhelimeen Puhelun soittaminen matkapuhelimestaKuulokkeen avulla Näppäimistön avullaYleissovittimen kautta Äänimerkkiä Äänenlaadun optimointi210 Varmista, että laitetta ei ole kytketty sähköverkkoonYleissovittimen tila Merkkivalo Jabra BT200n käyttäminen Bluetooth- puhelimien kanssaÄäni- ja valoilmaisimet Kuulokkeen tila MerkkivaloKuulokkeen säilytys Bluetooth-yhteensopivuusBluetooth on Bluetooth SIG, Incn omistama tavaramerkki 215 Jabra BT200-kuulokkeen tekniset tiedot217 Takuu ja osien vaihtaminenTakuu koskee vain alkuperäistä ostajaa 216218 219 SvenskaInledning Vad innehåller förpackningen?221 223 Funktioner i Jabra BT200 Bluetooth-headsetMikrofonen placeras sedan Din röstriktning Bära headsetet på höger eller vänster öraPlacera headsetet på örat Följ dessa anvisningar för att bära headsetetAnvända Jabra BT200-headset Sätta PÅ och stänga AV headsetetFästa laddningsklykans klämma Laddning och batteritid Använda stiftknappenAnvända ljudadaptern Länka para ihop headsetet till multiadaptern Varning för svagt batteri230 Ringa upp med röststyrning Ringa upp med Jabra BT200Ansluta multiadaptern till telefonen Ringa upp från mobiltelefonenHeadsetet först Knappsatsen förstFrån multiadaptern Knappar för högtalarvolym och volymkontroll Optimal ljudkvalitet236 Headset-status Lysdiodsindikering Använda Jabra BT200 med Bluetooth-telefonerHeadset-status Ljudsignal Ljudreglage och visuella indikatorerBluetooth-anpassning Specifikationer för Jabra BT200Förvara headsetet 242 Garanti och utbyte av komponenterAnvänd endast den godkända laddare som medföljer Garantin är begränsad till den ursprungliga köparenY2E a R Warranty
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BT200 specifications

The Jabra BT200 is a compact and innovative Bluetooth headset designed to provide users with a seamless hands-free communication experience. This versatile device is particularly appealing to those who are constantly on the move and require a reliable way to stay connected without the hassle of tangled wires.

One of the standout features of the Jabra BT200 is its lightweight design. Weighing in at just a few grams, it ensures comfortable long-term wear without causing fatigue. The sleek and minimalistic profile allows for easy portability, making it a perfect companion for users who travel frequently.

The BT200 utilizes advanced Bluetooth technology, enabling easy pairing with a wide range of compatible devices, including smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Its Bluetooth 2.0 compatibility allows for a stable connection over a reasonable range, typically around 10 meters, providing users the freedom to move while still enjoying high-quality audio.

In terms of audio performance, the Jabra BT200 delivers crisp sound quality, ensuring clear conversations without interruptions. Its integrated noise-cancellation technology helps to minimize background noises, making it easier to hear and be heard during calls. This feature is particularly useful in noisy environments, such as crowded streets or public transportation.

The headset also comes equipped with a long-lasting battery life, allowing users to enjoy up to 8 hours of talk time and a standby time of around 240 hours. This impressive longevity ensures that users can rely on the device throughout their busy day without the need for frequent recharging.

Among its characteristics, the Jabra BT200 features an easy-to-use control interface, with buttons for answering and ending calls, adjusting volume, and activating voice dialing. Its ergonomic earbud design contributes to a secure and comfortable fit, ensuring that it stays in place during use.

In summary, the Jabra BT200 is an excellent choice for individuals seeking a reliable, comfortable, and high-quality Bluetooth headset. With its impressive audio quality, long battery life, and easy-to-use features, this headset meets the demands of modern communication while providing the freedom and flexibility that users desire. Whether for business or personal use, the Jabra BT200 enhances the way users connect and communicate on the go.