Problem | Cause | Action |
The brightness inside | Brightness changes depending on | Power output changes |
the oven varies. | power output changes according to | during cooking are not |
| function. | malfunctions. This is not an |
| oven malfunction. |
Cooking is finished, | To ventilate the oven, the cooling fan | This is not an oven |
but the cooling fan is | continues to run for about 3 minutes | malfunction. |
still running. | after cooking is complete. |
Pressing the | This happens when the oven was not | The microwave oven is |
+START/+30s button | operating. | designed to operate by |
operates the oven. |
| pressing the START/+30s |
| button when it was not |
| operating. |
Turntable |
While turning, the | There is no roller ring, or the roller | Install the roller ring and |
turntable comes out of | ring is not properly in place. | then try again. |
place or stops turning. |
The turn table drags | The roller ring is not properly in | Adjust the amount of food |
while turning. | place, there is too much food, or the | and do not use containers |
| container is too large and touches | that are too large. |
| the inside of the microwave. |
The turn table rattles | Food residue is stuck to the bottom | Remove any food residue |
while turning and is | of the oven. | stuck to the bottom of the |
noisy. |
| oven. |
Smoke comes out during operation.
During initial operation, smoke may | This is not a malfunction, |
come from the heating elements | and if you run the oven |
when you first use the oven. | times, it should stop. |
Food is on the heating elements. | Let the oven cool and then |
| remove the food from the |
| heating elements. |
Food is too close to the grill. | Put the food a suitable |
| distance away while cooking. |
Food is not properly prepared and/or | Make sure food is properly |
arranged. | prepared and arranged. |
The oven does not | The door is open. | Close the door and try again. |
heat. |
English 75
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