Logging Out
In <Live Mode>, you can log out the current user account.
1.Click the <Login/Logout> mode button from among the main mode buttons.
2.Enter the password of the current account.
You can enter a password using either the mouse or the numeric keys of the keyboard.
•Reset: Deletes all the entered digits.
•Del: Deletes the last entered digit.
3.Click <OK>.
You are logged out from the selected user mode.
Shutting Down the System
You can shutdown the system only when you have logged in with <Admin> account.
1.Click the <Exit> mode button.
The <Exit> button can be clicked only when you have logged in with <Admin> account.
2.Enter the <Admin> password in the password input window. You can enter a password using the numeric keyboard on the screen or the numeric keys of the keyboard.
3.Click <OK>.
The DVR live screen disappears and the system is shutdown within approximately 15 seconds.
You can also shutdown the system in <Configuration>- <Exit>.
•Reset: Deletes all the entered digits.
•Del: Deletes the last entered digit.
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