Chapter 3. PC software (Multiple Display Control)
•Functions not supported
‒Animation effect
‒3D shapes (which will be displayed in 2D)
‒Header and footer (some subitems are not supported)
‒Word Art
∙A group alignment error may occur.
‒Office 2007
∙SmartArt is not fully supported. 97 out of 115 subitems are supported.
‒Object insertion
‒Letter spacing
‒Vertical text
∙Some subitems are not supported
‒Slide notes and handout
•Compatible document file formats
‒Extension : pdf
•Functions not supported
‒Content less than 1 pixel not supported because of performance degradation issue.
‒Masked Image, Tiled Image content not supported.
‒Content with Rotated Text, not supported.
‒3D Shadow Effects not supported.
‒Some characters not supported (Special characters may be corrupted)
•Compatible document file formats
‒Extension : .doc, .docx
‒Version : Office 97 ~ Office 2007
•Functions not supported
‒Page background effect
‒Some paragraph styles
‒Word Art
∙A group alignment error may occur
‒3D shapes (which will be displayed in 2D)
‒Office 2007
∙SmartArt is not fully supported. 97 out of 115 subitems are supported.
‒Letter spacing
‒Vertical text
∙Some subitems are not supported
‒Slide notes and handout
Template files
• Creation/editing/playback are only available in Template.