Samsung VC8916VC3R/BOL Auto Mode Button Control Type only, Using the Accessories, Park Position

Page 16


If you press AUTO MODE, the power is automatically set at 1200~1300 watt.

This mode reduces the suction power fluctuation which is caused by the fluctuation of airflow quantity to the motor.

For example, when dust bag is full, the quantity of air to the motor will be decreased and power will be down followingly. AUTO MODE, in this case, increases the power automatically for sufficient suction.


Open the tool storage cover upwards.

If you want to go back to the normal control type, just press "+" or "-" buttons.

Using Exbug Elimination System (DEPENDING ON MODEL)

It is best to use the Mite Killing cycle immediately after you have finished your cleaning.

Ensure machine is plugged in and the power point is switched on.

Disconnect the hose from the cleaner by pressing in the two but- tons on the hose end and lift the hose out.



Crevice tool for radiators, crevices,

Dusting brush for furniture,

corners, between cushions.

shelves, books, etc.


Upholstery brush for cushions and drapery.

Close the hose connection cover on the top of the cleaner until tone is heard. Make sure that it is fully shut.

Switch the cleaner on and the cleaner will run.

The Mite Killer cycle will automatically stop when complete.

Unplug the cleaner, rewind the cord, open the hoses connection cover and re-connect the hose.

Your cleaner can be used immediately after the Mite Killer cycle stop or by interrupting the cycle. To do this,switch cleaner off,open the hose connection cover and re-connect the hose.


Located in the top rear side of the vacuum cleaner,there is a nozzle support that can be used to park the nozzle during pauses in cleaning


For easy storage and transportation, this vacuum cleaner has a clip system built into body, which will keep the wand, hose and nozzle in an upright position.



Image 16
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