Maintenance Schedule
The Stove
•Clear any ash
•Ashes should be removed before they reach the top of the ash pan. Check accumulation at least once a day.
•Keep the area around the stove clear of any combus- tible materials such as wood, furniture or clothing.
•Check door handle to be sure it is working properly. Gasketing becomes compressed after a period of time. Adjust handle tightness if necessary.
•Check leg bolts and heat shield screws; tighten if necessary.
•Check gasketing for wear, and replace if necessary.
•Remove ashes from the ash pan and replace with a moisture absorbing material (such as kitty litter) to keep the interior of the stove dry.
•Clean the dust from the inner sides of bottom, rear or pipe heat shields if your stove is equipped with them. Clean surfaces are better heat reflectors than dirty surfaces.
•Touch up the black paint.
•Inspect for and remove ash
Encore 1450
The Chimney Connector
•Inspect the chimney connector and chimney. Clean if necessary.
•Inspect the chimney and chimney connector. Pay particular attention to the horizontal runs of chimney connector, and the elbows. Clean the system if nec- essary.
•Disassemble the chimney connector and take it outdoors for inspection and cleaning. Replace weak sections of connector.
•Inspect the chimney for signs of deterioration. Re- pairs to a masonry chimney should be made by a professional mason. Replace damaged sections of prefabricated chimney. Your local Vermont Castings dealer or a chimney sweep can help determine when replacement is necessary.
•Thoroughly clean the chimney.
Inspect and
Vacuum Both
Rear Corners
Ash | ST856 |
Fig. 48 Inspect and clean out ash accumulation on either side of the non-catalytic combustion system.
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