Whirlpool ACM184XE1 manual Tightenscrews, CJJwindow, Apriete10stomillos, Serrerlesvis

Page 40

continuedfrom page6

viene de lapdgina 6

suite de lapage 6

Usea level(U) to checkthatcabinetis level side-to-sideUse.a 3/32” drill bit to drill starterholesin thecabinetandinto the window sill. Usewoodscrews(V) to attach cabinetto window sill (W).Do Nottighten screws.

Check that air conditioner cabinet is tilted to the outside so that water will run to the outside.

PlacelevelInsidecabineton the right side. Thecabinetshouldtilt to theoutside approximatelya full bubble(2.5”) (X) for proper drainage.Placethelevelon theleft sideandcheck.


Placethe2-W’ (6.4 cm) sealstrip (Y) inside thecabinet.Makesealflushwith cabinetfront edge.This sealstrip fits between theair conditionerbaseandthecabinet.

Attachverticalsupport(Z) to anglesupports (AA) usingbolts(BB), flat washers(CC), lock washers(DD) andnuts(EE).

Attachsupportsto bottomof cabinet.Do Not tighten bolts at this time.

Attachwall rail (FF) to anglesupports(CC). Slideeachsupportassemblytowardhouse until wall rail is tirmly againstwall.

Note:If your houseis constructedof material thatcould bedamagedbywall-mounting support,fastena boardbetweenwall rail and house.

Checkthatcabinetstill tilts a full bubble (2.5”) to theoutside.Tightenbolts(HH) securelywith a 7/16” socketandsocket wrench.Tightenangledsupportboltsltit so wall rail fits tightlyagainsthouse.

NOTE:Install window-lockbracketto preventair conditionerfrom falling out of


Insertwindow rail seal(II) behindthetop of thelower window sashandagainsttheglass of theupperwindow. Placewindow-lock bracketUJ) on topof lower window and againstupperwindow sash.Usea 3132”drill bit to drill a starterhole throughtheholein thebracket.Attachwindow-lockbracketwith woodscrew.

Sealsmallopeningsaroundwindowwith gum-typesealer.

Insert drain cup (KK) into hole in cabinet rail.

Electrical Shock Hazard

Connect green ground wire to ground screw.

Failure to do so can result in death or electrical shock.

Insertair conditionerinto cabinet.Reattach groundwire (LL) to groundscrew(MM). Putexcessgroundwire betweencoil andair conditionercabinet.

Removethe 2 front panelscrews(NN) from air conditionerbase.Pushfront panel(00) straighton andthenlower it slightlyto lock it in place.Attachbottomfront of panelwith front panelscrews.

Utiliceunnivel(U) paraverificarqueel gabineteesteniveladodeladoalado.Utilice unabrocadebarrenade3/32”paraperforar 10sprimerosorticios enel gabinetey enel umbra1delaventanaUse.tomillosparamadera

(V)paraSjarel gabineteal umbraldela ventana(W). Noapriete10stomillos.

Verifique que el acondicionador de aire esti inclinado hacia el exterior de manera que el aguacorre hacia afuera.

Coloqueel niveldentrodelgabineteal lado derechoEl.gabinetedebeinclinarsehacia afueraaproximadamenteun nivelcomplete (2.5”) (X) parael debidodesagiieColoque.el nivelal ladoizquierdoy verifique.


Coloquela tira deobturaci6n(Y) de2-W (6,4cm) dentrode1gabineteAlinee.el obturadorconel bordedelanterode1gabinete. Estatira deobturaci6nseinsertaentrela base delacondicionadordeairey el gabinete.

Fijeel soportevertical(Z) a10ssoportesen tigulo (AA) utilizandopernos(BB),arandelas planas(CC),arandelasdeseguridad(DD) y tuercas(EE)

Fije10ssoportesala parteinferior de1gabinete. No apriete 10spernos todavia.

Fijeel riel depared(FF) a10ssoportesen ;ingulo(Cc). Deslicecadaconjuntodesoporte haciala casahashqueel riel deparedquede fumementecontrala pared.

Nota:Sisucasaesdconstruidadematerialque puededafiarsepor 10ssoportesmontadosenla pared,coloqueunatablaentreel riel dela paredy la casa.

Verifiquequeel gabinetesigainclinadounnivel complete(2,5”) haciaafuera.Aprietebien10s pernos(HH) conun casquilloy lIavede casquillode7/16”.Apriete10spemosdel soporteengngulopor ljltimo paraqueel riel de paredquedebienfijadocontrala casa.

NOTE: Instaleunsoportedeseguiidadenla ventanaparaevitarqueel acondicionadorde airesecaigadela ventana.

Inserteel obturadordelriel dela ventana(II) detrb dela partesuperiordela vidrierainferior dela venlanay contrael cristaldela ventana superior.Coloqueel soportedeseguridaddela ventanaUJ) enla partesuperiordela ventana inferiorycontrala vidrierasuperiordela ventanaUtilice.unabrocadebarrenade3/32” paraperforarun primerorificio a travCsdel orificio enel soporteFije.el soportede seguridaddelaventanacontomillo para maderaSelle.lasaberturaspequefiasalrededor dela ventanaconunselladortipogoma.

Insertela tazadedesagiie(KK) enel orificio en el riel delgabinete.

Peligro de Choque Elr2ctrico

Conecte el alambre Verde de conexi6n a tierra al tornillo de conexidn a tierra.

No seguir esta instruccibn puede ocasionar la muette 0

choaue el&rico.

Inserteel acondicionadordeaireenel gabinete. VuelvaaBjarel alambredepuestaa tierra(LL) al tomillo depuestaatierra(MM). Pongalo quesobredelalambredepuestaatierraentre el serpentinyel gabinetedelacondicionadorde aire.

Quite10s2 tomillosdelpaneldelantero(NN) dela basede1acondicionadordeaire.Empuje el paneldelantero(00) derechohacia adelante,baj;indololuegoligeramenteparaque encajeensulugar.Fijeel frenleinferior del panelcon10stornillosdelpaneldelantero.

Wiser un niveau(U) pour contrslerI’aplomb transversaldela caisseUtiliser.unforetde 3/32popour perter desavant-trousdansla caisseetdansla tablettedela fen&e. Fixerla caissesurla tablettedela fen&tre(W) hl’aide devisgbois(V). Nepasserrerlesvis.

Veiller Bce que la caissedu climatiseur soit inclinCe vers I’extCrieur, pour que l’eau puisse s’Ccoulervers I’extCrieur.

Placerle niveaual’intbrieur dela caisse,du cBtCdroit. Lacaissedevrait&e inclineevers I’extCrieurenvironunelongueurcompl$tede la bulle (2,5”) (X) pourqu’il yait un bon drainageContrBler.I’inclinaisondela m@me man&e du c8tCgauche.


Placerle joint d’Ctanch&tCplat (Y) de6,4cm (2 I/2 po) a 1’intCrieurdela caisseVeiller.?t cequele joint soitenaftleurementavecle bordavantdela caissedu climatiseurCe.joint estplacCentrela basedu climatiseuretla caisse.

Fixerlessupportsverticaux(Z)) surle supportinclinC(AA). Utiliserlesboulons (BB), rondellesplates(CC),rondelles-frein

(DD)etCcrous(BE).Fixerlessupportssous la caisse,sansserrer les boulons de fixation.

Fixerla tringled’appuimural(FF)surles suppor&(GG).FaireglisserI’ensembledu supportversle murdela maisonjusqu’gce quela tringled’appuisoitfermementenappui contrele mur.

Remarque:Sila maisones1construitede matkriauxquelessupportsfixesaumur pourraientendommager,placeruneplanchette deboisentrele mur etla tringled’appuimural.

Wrifier quela caisseestencoreinclinke(2,5”) versI’extCrieur(unelongueurcompktede bulledu niveau).Serrerfermementlesboulons

(HH)avecuneclC?tdouilledei’/16 po.Serrer endemierlieu lesboulonsdessupports inch&s pourquela tringled’appuimuralsoit bienenappuicontrele mur.

NOTA:Installerla bridedeblocagedansla fedtre pour empCcherle climatiseurde tomberhorsdela fen&tre.

Installerle joint demousse(II) pourle calfeutragedela fen&e, contrele hautdu chbsis mobiledela fen&tre,etcontrela vitre du chbsis supCrieurPlacer.la bridede blocageUJ) dela fen&e enhautdu chksis mobile,etcontrele chbsis supCrieurdela fen&e. Perterun avant-troudansle cadrea traversle trou dela bride,avecun foretde 3/32po.Fixerla bridedeblocagedela fenCtre avecunevisPbois.AssurerI’&nchCitCdes petitesouverturesautourdela fen&e avecun masticappropriC.

InsCrerla coupellededrainageenplastique

(KK)dansle trou surle c8tCBla basedela caissedu climatiseur.

t Risque de choc Blectrique

Brancher le fil vert de liaison g la terre b la vis de liaison &Ila terre.

Le non-respect de cette instruction peut causer un d&z&s ou un choc blectrique.

InsCrerle climatiseurdansla caisseConnecter. le conducteurdeliaisonala terre(LL) avecla visdeliaisongla terre(MM). PlacerI’exds delongueurdufil entrele serpentinetla caisse.

Retirerles2 vis (NN) dupanneauavanthla basedu climatiseur.Pousserle panneauavant

(00)enlignedroite,toutenI’abaissant ICgkrementpour qu’il setale enplace.Fixerla basedupanneauavantaveclesvis.


Image 40
Contents Guide d’utilisation et d’entretien \ OlQbContenido ContentsDes matikes ElA Note To You Una Nota para UstedGracias por seleccionar este aparato Por favor registre la informacibn sobre su modeloQl Note 6 I’ukilisateur Merci d’avoir achetb cet appareilAir Conditioner Safety Your safety is important to usIt is your responsibility to Plug into a grounded 3 prong outletSeguridad es Impartante Para nosotros Seguridad del Acondicionador de AireEs su responsabilidad Ql Instructions de skurit&climatiseur Votre s6curit6 nous tient g coeurImportantes Instructions DE SkURITE ’est g vous qu’incombe les responsabilitks suivantesIaOperating Instructions For circulating air without coolingLnstrucciones de ql Utilisation du Operacihclimatiseur C6mo poner en marcha su Acondicionador de aireMise en march6 du climatiseur Vea las variaciones del panel de control en las FigurasUsing the air or exhaust control Changing’ air directionOn some models Energy saving tipsC6mo usar el control. de aire Emploi de I’orientation de i’airC6mo cambiar la di&cci6n del aire Changement de la direction de I’airCleaning the air filter HICleaning InstructionsAir filter tips Lnstrucciones de Limpieza MlInstructions de nettoyageC6mo limgiar el filtro De aire Nettoyage du filtre ZI airRepairing paint damage Cleaning the front panelNormal operating sounds C6mo limpiar el panel delantero Nettoyage du panneau avantSonidos normales de operacibn Sons du fonctionnement normalIa Performing Annual Maintenance Electrical Shock Hazard Unplug before doing any maintenanceRn’C6mo Realizar el Mantenimiento Anual Remove the front panel. See Cleaningthe front panel on Page ElTroubleshooting Your air conditioner Will not operateUnit blows fuses or trios circuit breakers Air conditionerWater drips from cabinet Unit turns on and off too much,.or does not cool roomInto your house Diagnhtico de Problemas La unidad se enciende y se apaga o no enfria la habitaci6n Se filtra agua del gabineteSu ca6a Limpie el filtro. Ver paginaQg Diagnostic Le climatiseur ne fonctionne pasDestruction des fusibles ou ouverture du disjoncteur Le climatiseur sembleKcoulement d’eau De la caisse dans la maisonVBrifier Le filtre est encrasse ou obstrue par des debrisCommande d’accessoires IaOrdering AccessoriesOrdenar Accesorios AIR&questing Assistance or Service A. c If you need service+If you need replacement parts+ If you are not satisfied with how the problem was solved+AC6mo Solicitar Ayuda o Servicio Tknico en Ibs EE.UU Si necesita asistenciatSi necesita servicio tkcnico+ Si necesita refaccionestTion will help us respond properly to your request Minnesota Court Mississauga, Ontario L5N 3A7Si vous avez besoin d’assistance ou de service Si vous avez besoin de service+Warranty Service must be provided by an authorized service companySealed refrigeration system. These parts are Compressor Drier-StrainerGarantia Termin DE LA GARANTiA GARANTiA Completa POR UN Ati0GARANTiA Completa POR Cinco AflOS LOl96’entretien autorise par la compagnie GarantieComposants suivants Module d’assechement Installation steps WindowPages5 7 Through-the-wallPages8 ’emplacementd’installationdebit foumir Wall opening measurementsMb el doble de1espesor de la madera EllugardebetenerPi&esfourniespour l’installation Window lockBracket L/2 Filler board Seal strip Vertical Supports Sealsstrips Plastic drain cupEsresponsabilidadde1cliente 14gaugecopperwiringSpCcifications 115V 103,5min.-126,5max RemovegroundscrewA andgroundwire Trate el acondicionador de aire conBasede1acondicionadordeaire.Guardeel Ladocondosorihcios.Cortela tira segtin el largoApliquetirasdeobturaci6nK de3/8 Frompage5 Viene de la pdginaTightenscrews CJJwindowApriete10stomillos SerrerlesvisFor slide-out chassis model onlv Solamenteuara modelo con chasis deslizable.’Modele a chbsis coulissant seulement Usea levelK to checkthatcabinetis level side-to-sideCongratulations Ifelicitaciones FklicitationsFrompage8 Suite delapage8

ACM184XE1 specifications

The Whirlpool ACM184XE1 is a sophisticated air conditioning unit designed to provide optimal cooling and comfort for indoor spaces. This model showcases Whirlpool's commitment to quality and innovation, making it an excellent choice for both residential and commercial environments.

One of the standout features of the ACM184XE1 is its powerful cooling capacity. With a robust BTU rating, this unit efficiently cools large rooms while maintaining energy efficiency. The advanced compressor technology allows it to quickly reach the desired temperature, ensuring a pleasant atmosphere even in the hottest weather.

Energy efficiency is a key characteristic of the ACM184XE1. Equipped with an Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) that meets or exceeds industry standards, it helps consumers save on energy bills while reducing their environmental footprint. The unit features multiple cooling settings and a programmable thermostat, allowing users to customize their cooling preferences and operate the system effectively.

The ACM184XE1 also includes advanced air filtration technology, which improves indoor air quality by eliminating dust, allergens, and pollutants. The washable and reusable filter system makes maintenance easy and cost-effective, ensuring that the air quality remains high without the constant need for replacements.

Whirlpool has integrated user-friendly controls in the ACM184XE1, making it simple to operate. The intuitive interface allows users to adjust settings effortlessly, whether using the included remote control or the front panel. Additionally, the unit is designed with quieter operation in mind, enabling users to enjoy the cooling benefits without disruptive noise.

Installation is straightforward, with options for both window and portable setups, catering to various spatial requirements. The sleek and modern design ensures that the ACM184XE1 seamlessly fits into any decor, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the space.

Finally, Whirlpool's commitment to durability and reliability is evident in the construction of the ACM184XE1. Built with high-quality materials and backed by a solid warranty, users can trust in the product's longevity and performance. Overall, the Whirlpool ACM184XE1 stands out as a reliable and efficient air conditioning solution, perfect for people seeking comfort during the warmer months.