Whirlpool ACM184XE1 manual Apliquetirasdeobturaci6nK de3/8, Frompage5 Viene de la pdgina

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viene de la pdgina 5

suile & lapage 5









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Centeremptycabinet(F) in window.Lower window sash(G) to hold cabinetin place. Measurethedistancefrom the right sideof thecabinetto insideof thewindow channel (II). Repeatfor theleft side.Adjustthe cabinetuntil thedistanceon eachsideis the same.Whencabinetis centeredin the window,write downthefinal measurement. Add l/8” (3.2 mm) to thatmeasurement.

Usea utility knife to cut filler boardsto sizeat centerof boards(I). Makecut so theoutside edgesof filler boardswill havescrewholes0)

Apply318" (9.5 mm) sealstrips(K) to bottomandoutsideof filler boards(I,). The top seal(M) goeson backsideof filler boards.

Pull cabinetpartwayout of window.Attach right filler board(N) to front of a side- mountingangle(0) with two l/2” hex-head screws.

Placecabinetbackinto thewindowwith filler board(N) tight againstwindow channel(P),

Insertleft tiller boardinto window channel. Pushtiler boardagainstside-mountingangle andattachwith two I/2” hex-headscrews.

Fromtheoutside,pushfiller boardsasfar forwardin window channelsaspossible.

Measurethedistancebetweenthechannel edgeandtheEillerboard(Q). Cutfoam blocks l/4" (6.4 mm) wider. Insert foam blocks(R) into channelbehindfiller boards.

Measureinsidewidth of windowframe(S). Cutfoamsealwith squareendsto fit.

Hold cabinetto preventit from falling. Raise window sash.Alignfoamsealwith front edge of window sashandattachsealwith adhesive sideagainstundersideof sash(T). Lower window sash.

continued on page 7

Centreel gabinetevacio(F) enla ventanaBaje. la vidrieradelaventana(C) paramantenerel gabineteensulugar.Midala distanciadellado derechode1gabinetela parteinterior de1 canaldelaventana(II). Repitala operacidn parael ladoizquierdo.Ajusteel gabinetehasta quela distanciaa cadaladoseaigual.Cuandoel gabineleestecentradoenla ventana,anotela medidaAnal.Agreguel/8” ($2 mm) aesa medida.

Utiliceun cuchillodeusogeneralparacortar lastablasderellenoal tamaiioadecuadopor el centrodelastablas(I). Hagael torte de maneraque10sbordesexterioresdelastablas derellenotenganorificiosparatornillos0).

Apliquetirasdeobturaci6n(K) de3/8”

(9,5mm)enla parteinferiory exteriordelas tablasderelleno(L). El obturadorsuperior

(M)vaenla parteposteriordelastablasde relleno.

Tirepartede1gabinetefueradela ventanaFije. la tabladerellenoderecha(N) al frentedeun ;ingulodemontajelateral(0) condostornillos hexagonalesdeI/2”.

Vuelvaacolocarel gabineteenla ventanaconla tabladerelleno(N) bienajustadacontrael canaldela ventana(P).

lnsertela tabladerellenoizquierdaenel canal dela ventanaEmpuje.la tabladerellenocontra el tigulo demontajelateraly ffjelacondos tomilloshexagonalesdel/2”.

Desdeel exterior,empujelastablasderelleno todolo quepuedahaciaadelanteen10scanales delaventana.

Midala distanciaentreel bordede1canalyla tabladerelleno(Q), Corte10sbloquesde espumaI/4” (6,4mm)mb ancho.Inserte10s bloquesdeespuma(R) enel canaldetrb delas tablasderelleno.

Midael anchointemodelmarcodela ventana

(S). Carteel obturadordeespumaparaque encajen10sextremoscuadrados.

Sostengael gabineteparaevitarquesecaiga. Subala vidrieradela ventanaAlinee.el obturadordeespumaconel bordefrontaldela vidrieradela ventanayfije el obturadorconel ladoadhesivocontrala parteinferior dela vidriera(T). Bajela vidrieradela ventana.

contimia en la pdgina 7

Centrerla caissevide(F) dansla Fen&tre. Abaisserle chbsis mobiledela fen&tre(C) pour qu’il maintiennela caisseenplace.

Mesurerla distanceentrele borddu cat6 droit dela caisseetla faceintCrieuredu montantprofilCdroit dela fenttre(II). RCpCtercetteopkrationpour le ciW gauche. Ajuslerla positiondela caissepour queles distancesmesurCesdepartetd’autresoient identiques.Lorsquela caisseestcentreedans la fenbre,noterla mesurefinale.Ajouter$2 mm (l/8 po) a cettemesure

Avecun couteauutilitaire, decouperaucentrc lesplanchesderemplissage?tla taille appropriee(I). Choisirla lignedecoupede tellemanigrequelestrousdevis 0) restent disponiblessurle bordexternedesplanches deremplissage.

Placerun joint d’Ctanch&Cplatde9,5mm (3/8 po) (K) enhasetgI’exthieur des planchesderemplissage(L). Lejoint superieur(M) devrait&treplacCsurla face arriilre desplanchesderemplissage.

Retirerpartiellementla caissehorsdela fen&e. Fixerla planchederemplissagedu c6tCdroit (N) ?tI’avantd’unecomigrede montageIatCrale(0), avecdeuxvis?tt@te hexagonalede I/2 po.

RCinstallerla caissedansla fen@tretouten plaqantuneplanchederemplissage(N) en contactcontrele montantprofilCdela fenCtre(P).

InsCrerla planchederemplissagedu cati gauchedausle montantproI% dela fen&tre. Pousserla planchederemplissagecontrela cornicredemontagelatkrale;fixer avecdeux vis (l/2 po) a t&tehexagonale.

DepuisI’extkrieur,pousserlesplanchesde remplissageaussiloin quepossiblevers I’avantdanslesmontantsprotXs dela

Mesurerla distanceentrele montantprofilCet la planchederemplissage(Q). Ajouter6,4mrr (l/4 po) gcettemesurepour decouperles blocsdemousseInsCrer.desblocsdemousse

(R)dansla rainurederrierelesplanchesde remplissage.

Mesurerla largeurintemedu chbsis dela fen&tre(S). DCcouperunetringledemousse detailleapproprike,avecextrCmitCsa I’Cquerre.

Maintenirla caissepour l’emp&cherde tomber.Souleverle chbsis mobiledela fen&e. Alignerle joint demousseavecle bordavantdu chbsis dela fenCtre,etfixer ce joint enpla$antsafaceadhesivecontrela face infkrieuredu ch&+sis(T). Abaisserle chbsis mobiledela fen&tre.

suited lapage 7


Image 39
Contents \ OlQb Guide d’utilisation et d’entretienContents ContenidoDes matikes Por favor registre la informacibn sobre su modelo ElA Note To YouUna Nota para Usted Gracias por seleccionar este aparatoMerci d’avoir achetb cet appareil Ql Note 6 I’ukilisateurPlug into a grounded 3 prong outlet Air Conditioner SafetyYour safety is important to us It is your responsibility toSeguridad del Acondicionador de Aire Seguridad es Impartante Para nosotrosEs su responsabilidad ’est g vous qu’incombe les responsabilitks suivantes Ql Instructions de skurit&climatiseurVotre s6curit6 nous tient g coeur Importantes Instructions DE SkURITEFor circulating air without cooling IaOperating InstructionsVea las variaciones del panel de control en las Figuras Lnstrucciones de ql Utilisation du OperacihclimatiseurC6mo poner en marcha su Acondicionador de aire Mise en march6 du climatiseurEnergy saving tips Using the air or exhaust controlChanging’ air direction On some modelsChangement de la direction de I’air C6mo usar el control. de aireEmploi de I’orientation de i’air C6mo cambiar la di&cci6n del aireHICleaning Instructions Cleaning the air filterAir filter tips Nettoyage du filtre ZI air Lnstrucciones de LimpiezaMlInstructions de nettoyage C6mo limgiar el filtro De aireCleaning the front panel Repairing paint damageNormal operating sounds Sons du fonctionnement normal C6mo limpiar el panel delanteroNettoyage du panneau avant Sonidos normales de operacibnElectrical Shock Hazard Unplug before doing any maintenance Ia Performing Annual MaintenanceRn’C6mo Realizar el Mantenimiento Anual Remove the front panel. See Cleaningthe front panel on Page Air conditioner ElTroubleshootingYour air conditioner Will not operate Unit blows fuses or trios circuit breakersUnit turns on and off too much,.or does not cool room Water drips from cabinetInto your house Diagnhtico de Problemas Limpie el filtro. Ver pagina La unidad se enciende y se apaga o no enfria la habitaci6nSe filtra agua del gabinete Su ca6aLe climatiseur semble Qg DiagnosticLe climatiseur ne fonctionne pas Destruction des fusibles ou ouverture du disjoncteurLe filtre est encrasse ou obstrue par des debris Kcoulement d’eauDe la caisse dans la maison VBrifierIaOrdering Accessories Commande d’accessoiresOrdenar Accesorios If you are not satisfied with how the problem was solved+ AIR&questing Assistance or Service A. cIf you need service+ If you need replacement parts+Si necesita refaccionest AC6mo Solicitar Ayuda o Servicio Tknico en Ibs EE.UUSi necesita asistenciat Si necesita servicio tkcnico+Minnesota Court Mississauga, Ontario L5N 3A7 Tion will help us respond properly to your requestSi vous avez besoin de service+ Si vous avez besoin d’assistance ou de serviceCompressor Drier-Strainer WarrantyService must be provided by an authorized service company Sealed refrigeration system. These parts areLOl96 GarantiaTermin DE LA GARANTiA GARANTiA Completa POR UN Ati0 GARANTiA Completa POR Cinco AflOSGarantie ’entretien autorise par la compagnieComposants suivants Module d’assechement Installation steps WindowPages5 7 Through-the-wallPages8 Ellugardebetener ’emplacementd’installationdebit foumirWall opening measurements Mb el doble de1espesor de la maderaSupports Sealsstrips Plastic drain cup Pi&esfourniespour l’installationWindow lock Bracket L/2 Filler board Seal strip Vertical14gaugecopperwiring Esresponsabilidadde1clienteSpCcifications 115V 103,5min.-126,5max Ladocondosorihcios.Cortela tira segtin el largo RemovegroundscrewA andgroundwireTrate el acondicionador de aire con Basede1acondicionadordeaire.GuardeelFrompage5 Viene de la pdgina Apliquetirasdeobturaci6nK de3/8Serrerlesvis TightenscrewsCJJwindow Apriete10stomillosUsea levelK to checkthatcabinetis level side-to-side For slide-out chassis model onlvSolamenteuara modelo con chasis deslizable.’ Modele a chbsis coulissant seulementSuite delapage8 CongratulationsIfelicitaciones Fklicitations Frompage8

ACM184XE1 specifications

The Whirlpool ACM184XE1 is a sophisticated air conditioning unit designed to provide optimal cooling and comfort for indoor spaces. This model showcases Whirlpool's commitment to quality and innovation, making it an excellent choice for both residential and commercial environments.

One of the standout features of the ACM184XE1 is its powerful cooling capacity. With a robust BTU rating, this unit efficiently cools large rooms while maintaining energy efficiency. The advanced compressor technology allows it to quickly reach the desired temperature, ensuring a pleasant atmosphere even in the hottest weather.

Energy efficiency is a key characteristic of the ACM184XE1. Equipped with an Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) that meets or exceeds industry standards, it helps consumers save on energy bills while reducing their environmental footprint. The unit features multiple cooling settings and a programmable thermostat, allowing users to customize their cooling preferences and operate the system effectively.

The ACM184XE1 also includes advanced air filtration technology, which improves indoor air quality by eliminating dust, allergens, and pollutants. The washable and reusable filter system makes maintenance easy and cost-effective, ensuring that the air quality remains high without the constant need for replacements.

Whirlpool has integrated user-friendly controls in the ACM184XE1, making it simple to operate. The intuitive interface allows users to adjust settings effortlessly, whether using the included remote control or the front panel. Additionally, the unit is designed with quieter operation in mind, enabling users to enjoy the cooling benefits without disruptive noise.

Installation is straightforward, with options for both window and portable setups, catering to various spatial requirements. The sleek and modern design ensures that the ACM184XE1 seamlessly fits into any decor, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the space.

Finally, Whirlpool's commitment to durability and reliability is evident in the construction of the ACM184XE1. Built with high-quality materials and backed by a solid warranty, users can trust in the product's longevity and performance. Overall, the Whirlpool ACM184XE1 stands out as a reliable and efficient air conditioning solution, perfect for people seeking comfort during the warmer months.