Printout Explanations
Door Access
This message lists the user name accessing the door strike relay and the door number that is being accessed. The door number matches the keypad address operated by the user. This message prints on the Activity Log only.
Acknowledgment of Fire Alarms and Troubles
This message is listed each time the operator acknowledges a fire type zone alarm or trouble message. The message includes the account number, zone number, and the acknowledged condition.
Message Destinations
Message | Activity Log | LCD |
Time/Date | X |
System Number | X |
Telephone Line Configuration | X |
Zone Alarm | X | X |
Zone Trouble | X | X |
Zone Restore | X | * |
Ambush | X | X |
Opening and Closing | X |
Bypass and Reset | X |
Add and Delete Codes | X |
Schedule Changes | X |
System Messages | X | X |
Door Access | X |
* Fire and supervisory type zones restorals are the only restorals that display on the LCD for acknowledgement.
Printer Troubleshooting
Activity Log ERROR
When the
Power Light Not Lit
Check AC outlet. If the outlet is good, check the internal circuit breaker and fuse located on the left rear corner of the printer.
SEL Light Not Lit
Press the SEL switch to light the SEL light. If the light does not come on, turn the unit off for five seconds and try again.
PAPER Light Lit
In this case the SEL light cannot be lit and paper must be added.
Bad Printer Cable
If the printer can complete a test printing and installing a dummy plug at the rear of the
If none of the above are the cause for the activity log error, contact DMP Technical Support at:
If calling internationally, dial
Note: Installation of a dummy plug, which shorts pins 4 and 5, causes all messages waiting to be printed and all messages received while it is installed will not be printed.
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