Kenmore 116.22823 Desconecteel cord6neVtriooantesdecoreponor, Aire, RoducirseunchequeelLtrico

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elL_ctrtco,lesi6n corporal o da_os al uUlizar su aspiradora, act_e de acuerdo con precauciones b_slcas de seguddad, entre elias:

Lea estemanualantesde armaro utilizersuaspire-

No useta aspiradorasl la mangueraest_ rots.Ls


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Desconecteel cord6neV_'triooantesdecoreponor

y cualquieracosa que podr_adisreinuirel flujode

o limpiarel drea del cepillo.De Io contrario,el cepillo


xxIrlaarranoarde formimprevistao podda



Mantengael cabello,ropesuelta,dedosy todaslas

Slerepredebe apagarla aspiradoraantesde

partesdelcuerpoalejadosde las aberturasy plazas

conectaro desconectarla reangueradefa Power-




Sierepredebe apagarsuaspiradoraantes de des- conectada.

No desconectela aspirsderatirandodel cord6n el_ctricoParadesconectafla,hale. el enchufe,noel cordbn.

Sueteel enchufeconla maneal enmflarel cord6n el_ctricoParsdesconectada,hale. en enchufe,no el cord6n.

No usela aspiradorasiel oofd6n el enchufeesfa da_ado.Si la aspiradoranoest_ fundonando ade- cuadamenteo sise ha dejado caer,est_ dai_ada,se ha dejadoexpuestaala intereperieo se ha dejado caerenagua,devu_lvalaaun Centrede serviciode Sears.

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useel cord6ncoreomango;nocierrepuertassobre el corden;nohale el cmd6nsobrerebordesagudos ni esquinasNo. pasela aspiradorasobreel cord6n.

Mantengaelcord6nalejadode superficiescalientes.

No abandonela aspiradoracuandoestdconecfada.

DesconL=ctelacuandono la estdusandoy antesde dadeservicio,

No permitaque sea utilizadecoreojuguefaSe. requiemteaermayorcuidadocuandosea utilizada en lap_oxk_idedde nifioso per nl_e.

No toquela aspiradorani el enchufeconlasrnanos mejades.

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Podrianda_ar la aspiradora,

No levantenlngunacoeaque se estOquemandoo

ereitiendohureo,come cigarrillos,cerUloso cenizas calientes.

No use la aspiradorapara aspirarliquidosinflama- b_eso corebus_les (gasolinafiquides.paratim- pieza, perfumes,etc,)nila useen lugaresdonde _stos podrlanesterpresentesLosvaporesde. estas sustanciaspuedenctearun peligrode incendioo explosi6n.

Tangs cuidadoespecialal utilizerla aspiradomen escalonesNo. la coloquecobre sillas,mesas, etc.

Mant6ngalaen el piso.

Ueted es responsal_de asegurarque su aspire- dorano sea utilizadaper ningunapersonaquano puedareanejarlacorrecfareente.


El arreadoy usesegurode su aspirado_acon su responsabilidadEsta. aspiradoraha side disefiada exclusivareentepara ucodom_sUcoLa. aspiradoradeberdalmacenarseen un lugarsecoyen el interior. Lea este Manual del propletario detenidemente, puesconUeneInformacl6n Importantesobreseguddady use.Esta quia contiene lnformaci6n sobreseguridaddebajo de simbolosde advertienolaculdade.Per favor pongaatenci6nespeciala estas Instruccionesdedas. Advertencla: Este Informacl6nle alertardcon el poligrode fuego, chequeselectricos, quemadasy lesiones. Culdado: Este informaclbnIs atertaraa

peligrosComeleslones)t detios de pmpledad.


Image 22
Contents Manual Del Propietario Limited Oneyearwarranty on Kenmore Vacuum Cleaner Date of PurchaseDo not put any objects into openings Do not handle plugor cleaner withwetDo not use cleanerwithoutdust bin and/or filters in place Ing partsProtector ResetButton On BottomCanister HoseAttachments U.S CanadaWand -TELESCOPING POWER-MATEInsert wand into Power-Mate* until the wand Wand length isTo store Disconnect hose from wands HoseSome Rewind buttonis pushed Personal Injury and Product Damage HazardPile Height PedsJ Some Models Order to get Medium or LOW power level Function since no electricity flows to the Power-MateSuggested sweeping pattern Carpeted stairs need to be vacuumed regAttachments on Handle Attachments on WandsPOWER-MATE Storage AUTO-CLEANING SystemEdge Cleaner Overload ProtectorThevacuumcleanercreatessuction that Pour dust bin Contents into a trash container To Remove Primary Filter Vacuum suction to full power you need to Replace the filterPrimary Filter To Replace Primary FilterSecondary Filter To Replace FilterModerate Electrical Shock Or Personal Injury HazardHeavy LightTo Remove Belt To Replace BeltTo Check Brushes To Replace Agitator AssemblyRemove Power-Mateqover,agitator Wise, then pull outBurnedoutlightbulb DirtypowercordAdjustsetting,page8 CordjammedNmem de Ser Garantia Limitada DE UN AIO DE LA Aspiradora KenmoreAire Desconecteel cord6neVtriooantesdecoreponorLimpiarel drea del cepillo.De Io contrario,el cepillo XxIrlaarranoarde formimprevistao poddaPage Receptaculo MangueraAccesorios FIItro de escape dentrcBot6n Bot6n de Ilberacl6n rdplda Del mango TUBOTELESC6PICOAdvertencia TuboManguera Alinee la pestaade sujecibnde la mangueraconCuidado Control Electrnico Digital Estilo de limpieza sugerido Los escalones alfombrade£requierenlimpiezaAccesorios DEL Tubo CuidadoAccesorios DEL Mango Protector Contra Sobrecargas Tapa Y Almacenamiento Para POWER.MATELimpiador DE Orillas Sistema DE AUTO-LIMPIEZALa tierra.La tierraes impulsadaa travsde las AdvertenciaQueadas. Desconede del receptdculode revisarlo Fill Como Instalar EL Cubo DE LA BasuraPara Vaciar EL Cubo DE LA Basura Limpar EL Filtro Filtro PrimarioPara Sacar EL Rltro Primario Para Reemplazar EL FiltroprimarioBasura FiltrosecundarioFiltro DE Escape Hepa EmpujandoAgltador UnldaddelTapadel Ta del agitador Para Retirar LA CorreaTada del Tapa del Del ceplllo Cepillo Extreme Itador Limpieza DEL Agitador Para Revisar LA Unidad DEL AgitadorPara Cambiar LA Unidad DEL Agitador Barra de soporte de la baseLaasplmdomdeJamamas Your Home

116.22822, 116.22823 specifications

The Kenmore 116.22822 and 116.22823 vacuum cleaners are part of Kenmore's esteemed lineup, renowned for their reliability and performance in home cleaning. Designed to offer exceptional suction power and a range of advanced features, these models are ideal for households looking for effective cleaning solutions.

One of the standout features of the Kenmore 116.22822 and 116.22823 is their powerful motor, which delivers substantial suction strength. This enhanced suction capability makes it easier to lift dirt and debris from various surfaces, including carpets, hardwood floors, and upholstery. The vacuums come equipped with a durable, high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter that captures allergens and fine particles, ensuring cleaner air in the home—a notable benefit for allergy sufferers.

Both models feature a multi-surface cleaning system that allows users to seamlessly transition between different types of flooring. Whether you are cleaning high-pile carpets or smooth tile surfaces, the easy-to-adjust height settings make it simple to achieve optimal cleaning results without damaging your floors.

The Kenmore 116.22822 and 116.22823 also boast an ergonomic design, which includes a comfortable handle and lightweight construction. This user-centric design reduces strain during cleaning sessions, making it easier to navigate around furniture and reach high or tight spaces. The vacuum cleaners are equipped with a range of attachments and tools tailored for diverse cleaning tasks, including dusting brushes, upholstery tools, and crevice tools. These accessories enhance versatility and allow users to tackle everything from delicate drapes to tight corners.

Another significant aspect of these models is their bagged dust collection system. This system effectively traps dust and allergens, preventing them from being released back into the air. The bags feature a large capacity, allowing for extended cleaning sessions before needing replacement, which adds to the convenience of ownership.

In terms of maintenance, the Kenmore 116.22822 and 116.22823 are designed for easy upkeep. The washable filters and accessible dust bags ensure that regular maintenance is straightforward, making it simple to keep the vacuums performing at their best.

Overall, the Kenmore 116.22822 and 116.22823 vacuum cleaners exemplify a blend of power, efficiency, and user-friendly features, making them excellent choices for families seeking dependable cleaning solutions for their homes. With their robust performance and thoughtful design, these models continue to be favorites among home cleaning enthusiasts.