Vermont Casting G600 manual Horizontalinstaliation, Iti

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Step 1. Set lhe appliance in it'sdesired location. Check to determine if wall studs or roof rafters are in the way when the venting system is attached.lf this is the case,you may want to adjust the location of the appliance.

Step 2. Vent pipe and fittings are designed with special twist-lock cohnections.Assemble the desired combinationof black pipe and elbows to the applianceadaptorwith pipe seamsorientedtowardsthe wall or floor,as muchout of viewas possible.


1)Twist-lock procedure: Four indentations, located on the female ends of pipes and fittings,are designedto slide straightonto the maleendsof adjacentpipesand fittings,

. by orientingthe four pipe indentationsso they matchand slide intofour entryslotson the male ends (Fig. 5). Push the pipe sections completelytogether,then twist- lock one section clockwiseapproximately one-quarterturn, untilthe two sectionsare






fullylocked.Thefemalelockinglugswill not be visible from the outside,on the black pipe or fittings.They may be locatedby examiningthe insideof thefemaleends.

2')Horizontalruns of vent must be supported every three feet. Wall Strapsare available for this purpose.

Step 3.'Withpipe attachedto the stove,slide the stove into it'scorrect location, insuring minimumclearancesto combustiblesand markthe wallfor a 10-inchsquarehole.The centre of the square hole should line up with the center-lineof the horizontalpipe,as shown in Figure6. Cut and framethe 10- inch squarehole in the exteriorwall where

the vent will be terminatedlf. the wallbeing penetrated is constructed of non-

combustiblematerial,.e.masonryblock or concrete, a 7-inch diameter hole is


F I G . 6








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Contents Whatto do Ifyousmellgas 9rlrtsyContents Carbonmonoxidepoisontng ImportantinformationINSTALI-ATIONNSTRUCTIONS TOP Leftsiderightside Clearancesto CombustiblesGLASSREPI-ACEMENT LogassemblyVENTINGl,J,flhT*Ii?,i,B\OCEDURE GlasscleaningConnections Ventinginstructions Instaliation PrecautionsPARTSLIST#1 SAFETYPREcAUTIoNSFoRTHEINSTALLER$h*G PlanningyourinstallationUnit tested to ITI HorizontalinstaliationScrews Ffi a Verticaltermination To install the Round SupporrBoxMatl FlG . ,16 CATHEDRALcEtLtNGINSTALLATIoN Conductan inspectionof theventingsystemsemiannually GeneralmaintenanceWhatto do if Yousmellgas Ifor YOURSAFETY,READBEFORELIGHTINGTLightinginstructions Jls3,HLoijTirlf,ilroFFToturnoffgastoappliance Maintenanceinstruction\ lE PartsdiagramORrFtcENe ORrFrcELP Partslist@ @ p @ c Symptom Trouble Shooting G6OOPossiblecause Correctiveaction TROUBLESHOOTING. G6OOTwoyearlimitedwarranty