IMPORTANT Readall instructionscarefullybeforestartingthe installation.Failureto follow these instructionsmay createa fire or other safety hazard,and will void the warranty.Be sure to follow these installationinstructions for specificventingand clearanceto combustiblerequirements,which
mayvaryfrom one applianceto another.
TheCenturyHeatingG600is anengineeredproductthat hasbeendesignedandtested.
The warraniy will be voided,and serious fire, health, or other safety hazards may result fromany of the followingactaons.
, i
.Installation damagedventingcomponent. of any
. Unauthorizedmodificationof theventingsystem.
lnstallationof anycomponentpart not manufacturedor approvedby CenturyHeating.
.lnstallation thanas instructedby theseinstructions. other
Consultyour localbuildingcodesbeforebeginningthe installation.
Atways maintain required clearances (air spaces) to nearby combustibles to prevent a tire hazard. Do not fill air spaces with insulationBe sure to check these instructionsfor minimumclearance requirementsbetweenthe outer walls of the vent pipe and nearby combustiblesurfaces.Be sure to check the vent terminationclearance requirementsfrom decks, windows,soffits, gas regulatorS,air supply inlets, and public walkways, ?S specified in these installation instructionsandlocalbuildingcodes.
Ihe gas applianceand vent system must be vented directly to the outside of the building,and neverbe attachedto a chimney seruinga separatesotid tuel or