Vermont Casting G600 manual Jls3,HLoijTirlf,ilroFF, Lightinginstructions

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1) STOP!Readthesafetyinformation.

2l Push in the gas control knob slightly and turn clockttYiseto UOFF position.NOTE:Knobcannotbe turnedfrom "PILOT"to "OFF"unless

knobis pushedin slightly.Donotforce.

3)Waitfive (5) minutesto clear out any gas. lf you then smell g?s, STOP! Follow "B" in the safety information.lf you dont smell g?s, go to the nextstep.

4l Findpilot.

5)Turnknobon gascontrolcounterclockwise to "PLOT".


*NOTE:to adjustflameheightusethe to/Hi on vatve.

6)Pushin controlknob all the way and hold in. lmmediatelylightthe pilot by pushing the spark ignitor button.Continueto hotd the control knob iw'torabout one (1) minuteafterthe pilot is lit. Releaseknob and it will pop back up. Pilot should remain lit. lf it goes out, repeat steps 2 through6.

lf knob does not pop up when released,stop and immediatetycall your seryicetechnicianor gas supplier.

lf the pilot light wilt not stay lit after several tries, turn the gas control knob to "OFF"and call your seryice technician or 9as supplier.

7)Turngas controlcounter-clockwiser-\ to uONu.

8)Tolight mainburneronly,turn rockeron/off switchto ,,oN,'.

9)Toturn off gas to mainburneronly,turn On/Offswitchto ',OFF,,.


Image 22
Contents 9rlrtsy Whatto do IfyousmellgasContents Importantinformation CarbonmonoxidepoisontngINSTALI-ATIONNSTRUCTIONS Clearancesto Combustibles TOP LeftsiderightsideLogassembly GLASSREPI-ACEMENTGlasscleaning VENTINGl,J,flhT*Ii?,i,B\OCEDUREConnections Instaliation Precautions VentinginstructionsSAFETYPREcAUTIoNSFoRTHEINSTALLER PARTSLIST#1Planningyourinstallation $h*GUnit tested to Horizontalinstaliation ITIScrews Ffi a Verticaltermination To install the Round SupporrBoxMatl FlG . ,16 CATHEDRALcEtLtNGINSTALLATIoN Generalmaintenance Conductan inspectionof theventingsystemsemiannuallyIfor YOURSAFETY,READBEFORELIGHTINGT Whatto do if YousmellgasJls3,HLoijTirlf,ilroFF LightinginstructionsMaintenanceinstruction ToturnoffgastoappliancePartsdiagram \ lEPartslist ORrFtcENe ORrFrcELP@ @ p @ c Trouble Shooting G6OO SymptomTROUBLESHOOTING. G6OO Possiblecause CorrectiveactionTwoyearlimitedwarranty