Vermont Casting G600 manual Instali-Ationnstructions

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The appliance;when installedmust be electricallyconnectedand groundedin accordancewith local codes or, in the absence of local codes, with the current CSA C22-1 Canadian Electrical Code (Canada)or the


Keepappliancearea clear and free from combustiblematerials,gasoline,and other llammableliquids and vapours.

Installationand provisionfor combustionand ventilationair must conformwith local codes or, in absenceof localcodeS,with the NationalFuelGasCode,ANSI2223.1- latestedition- in the UnitedStatesor,in Canada,

with the currentCAN/CGA- 8149- 1 or 2InstallationGode.

Turngassupplyon and checkfor leaks.DONOTUSEOPENFLAME.Usesoapand watersolution.

Do not usethis applianceif anyparthas beenunderwater.

lmmediatelycall a qualifiedservicetechnicianto inspectthe room applianceand to replaceany parl of the controlsystemand anygascontrolwhichhas beenunderwater.

The applianceand its individualshutoff valve must be disconneaed;tromthe gas supply piping system during any pressuretestingof the gas supply piping systemat test pressuresin excessoI 112p.s.i.g.(3.5

KPa). ..

The appliancemust be isolatedfrom the gas supplypiping systemby closingits individualmanualshut off valveduringany pressuretestingof the gas supply pipingsystemat test pressuresequalto or lessthan 1/2

p.s.i.g.(3.KPa)5 .

Gas piping must be installedin accordancewith local codes,or with the latestedilion of the NationalGas CodeANSI2223.1(U.S.A.)(ln. Canada- CAN/CGA.BI49-or1 2.) Duringpressuretestingof ihe gas piping systemsupplythe heaterdisconnector isolatethe heaterfrom the piping syslem.The pressureusedto test pipingsystemswill damagethecontrolsusedon this heater.Do not useflexiblehose.

Unionsin gas lines shouldbe of the groundjoint type.Compoundsusedon threadediointsof gas piping mustbe resistantto the actionof liquefiedpetroleumgas.

Gas piping must be ol sufficientsize to providea minimumnaturalgas pressureal the applianceof 4.5 incheswatercolumn for naturalgas or 11 inchesfor Propane/LPgasesfor the purposeof inpul adjustment. Themaximurninleigas pressureto lhe heatermustnotexceed10.5inchesfor naturalgasand 13inchesfor Propane/LPgases.lf this heateris to be suppliedwith LP gas (bottledpropane)the tank or bottlesupplying the gas must havea regulatorwhichreducesthe gas pressureto between11 and 13 incheswatercolumn. The controlwill not operatewith gas line pressuredirectlyfrom the tank and may leak gas due to this excessivepressure.

Includea manualshut-offdeviceand union in the line so the controlor heatermay be disconnectedfor servicingInclude.a drip leg anda plugged118inch NPTtappingin the line.Thetappingmustbe accessible for test gaugeconnectionimmediatelyupstreamol the gas supplyconnectionto the appliance.

Usea soap/watersolutionor a liquidgas leakdetectorto coateachjoint in the pipingsystem.and looklor bubbleswhichindicatesgasleaks.

lmpoftant:Atl referencesto siliconingshouldbe adheredto. Alwaysuse 600"F(316"C)high temperalure silicone.

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Contents 9rlrtsy Whatto do IfyousmellgasContents Importantinformation CarbonmonoxidepoisontngINSTALI-ATIONNSTRUCTIONS Clearancesto Combustibles TOP LeftsiderightsideLogassembly GLASSREPI-ACEMENTGlasscleaning VENTINGl,J,flhT*Ii?,i,B\OCEDUREConnections Instaliation Precautions VentinginstructionsSAFETYPREcAUTIoNSFoRTHEINSTALLER PARTSLIST#1Planningyourinstallation $h*GUnit tested to Horizontalinstaliation ITIScrews Ffi a Verticaltermination To install the Round SupporrBoxMatl FlG . ,16 CATHEDRALcEtLtNGINSTALLATIoN Generalmaintenance Conductan inspectionof theventingsystemsemiannuallyIfor YOURSAFETY,READBEFORELIGHTINGT Whatto do if YousmellgasJls3,HLoijTirlf,ilroFF LightinginstructionsMaintenanceinstruction ToturnoffgastoappliancePartsdiagram \ lEPartslist ORrFtcENe ORrFrcELP@ @ p @ c Trouble Shooting G6OO SymptomTROUBLESHOOTING. G6OO Possiblecause CorrectiveactionTwoyearlimitedwarranty