Conductan inspectionof theventingsystemsemiannually.
Recommendedareasto inspectare as follows:
1.Checkareasof the VentingSystemwhichareexposedto the etements for corrosion.These will appear as rust spots or streaks, and in
extreme cases, holes. These componentsshould immediatelybe
2.Removethe C"p, and shine a flashlightdown the Vent.Removeany bird nests,or otherforeignmaterial. ;i
. 3. Checkfor evidencesof excessivecondensate,such as waterdroplets forming in the inner liner,and subsequentlydripping out at joints. Continuouscondensationcan cause corrosion of caps, pipe, and fittings.lt may be causedby havingexcessivelateralruns,too many elbows,and exterior portionsof the system being exposedto cold weather.
4.Inspectjoints, to verify that no Pipe Sectionsor Fittingshave been disturbed, and consequently loosened. Also check mechanical supportssuch as WallStraps,or plumbers'tapefor rigidity.