Vermont Casting G600 manual Screws

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The horizontalrun of vent must be level,or havea 1/4-inchrise for every 1 foot of run towardsthe termination.Neverallow the vent to run downward.This could causehightemperaturesand may presentthe possibilityof a fire'

The locaiion of the horizontalvent terminationon an exterior wall must meet all local and nationatbuildingcodes,and must not be easilyblocked or obstructed. Theventterminalshatlnot be recessedinto a wall or siding.Referto Fig-3.

For installationsrequiringa verticalrise on the exteriorof the building, 1 -inchand 36-inchtallSnorkelierminationsare available.Followthe same installation procedures as used for standard Horizontal Terminations.lf the Snorkel Terminationmust be installedbelow grade,(i.e.basementapplications),proper drainage must be provided to prevent water from entering lhe snorkel TerminationDo. not backfill aroundthe snorkeltermination'

F I G . 7

Step 4. Positionthe horizontalventterminationin

the centreof the 10'inchsquarehole,and attach to the exterior wall with the four wood screws provided. Before attaching

the VentTerminationto the exteriorwall, run a bead of non'hardeningmastic

'around it'soutsideedges,so as to make a seal betweenit and the wall. The arrow on the ient cap should be pointingup.

Insure that ProPer clearances to combustible materials are maintained.

( F i g . 7 )


1)The four wood screws providedshould be replaced with appropriatefasteners for stucco,brick,concrete,or othertypes

of siding.

2l buildingswith vinyl siding, a Vinyl

'Siding Standoff (Part 950), should be installed betweenthe vent cap and the exterior wall. (Fig. 8) Attach the Vinyl Siding Standoff to the Horizontal Vent Termination.The Vinyl Siding Standoff

prevents excessive heat from possibly meltingthe vinyl sidingmaterial.,,For

Step 5. Before connectingthe horizontalrun of vent pipe to the vent termination,slide the black decorativewall thimble cover overthe vent pipe.


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Contents 9rlrtsy Whatto do IfyousmellgasContents Importantinformation CarbonmonoxidepoisontngINSTALI-ATIONNSTRUCTIONS Clearancesto Combustibles TOP LeftsiderightsideLogassembly GLASSREPI-ACEMENTGlasscleaning VENTINGl,J,flhT*Ii?,i,B\OCEDUREConnections Instaliation Precautions VentinginstructionsSAFETYPREcAUTIoNSFoRTHEINSTALLER PARTSLIST#1Planningyourinstallation $h*GUnit tested to Horizontalinstaliation ITIScrews Ffi a Verticaltermination To install the Round SupporrBoxMatl FlG . ,16 CATHEDRALcEtLtNGINSTALLATIoN Generalmaintenance Conductan inspectionof theventingsystemsemiannuallyIfor YOURSAFETY,READBEFORELIGHTINGT Whatto do if YousmellgasJls3,HLoijTirlf,ilroFF LightinginstructionsMaintenanceinstruction ToturnoffgastoappliancePartsdiagram \ lEPartslist ORrFtcENe ORrFrcELP@ @ p @ c Trouble Shooting G6OO SymptomTROUBLESHOOTING. G6OO Possiblecause CorrectiveactionTwoyearlimitedwarranty