Note: All the temperature indicators will be off during normal operation. If any time you see the indicators on, there may be a system error and you should consult the “Troubleshooting” section of this document, or contact a trained service professional.
Scald burns occur in under one second with 71°C (160°F) water, which this thermostat will deliver if the temperature is set at “VERY HOT”. Lower settings of the temperature will reduce the risk of scald and will reduce your fuel bill.
There is a
Intelli-VentTM System Error Codes
Heater Shutdown
1.Turn off all electrical power to the heater or unplug the power cord from the receptacle.
2.Turn the manual gas supply valve to the water heater to the “OFF” position.
System Error Codes
The computer inside the gas control monitors the flammable vapour safety features, the ignition sequence, temperature settings and overall operation of the heater. If any of these parameters does not operate properly the computer will shut down the water heater and flash an error code. See the “System Error Codes
Error 1 | An open earth ground circuit to | 1. | Check that the earth ground conductor is properly connected at the |
the ignition system. |
| fuse box or breaker panel and the water heater. | |
| 2. | Check that the grounding conductors on the water heater are prop- |
| erly connected and secure. |
| |
Error 2 | The self diagnostic test detect- | 1. Check for proper connection of the line neutral and line hot wires. | |
ed a wiring error, reversed | 2. | Check that the appliance is securely connected to earth ground. | |
| polarity or a high resistance to |
| earth ground. |
Error 3 | The pressure switch remained | 1. | The pressure switch wiring is incorrect. |
closed longer than 5 seconds | 2. | The pressure switch is defective and must be replaced. | |
| after the call for heat began. |
| Blower does not start. |
Error 4 | The pressure switch remained | 1. | The pressure switch wiring is incorrect. |
open longer than 5 seconds | 2. | The pressure switch tubing is not connected correctly. | |
| after the combustion blower | 3. | Obstructions or restrictions in the water heater air intake or exhaust |
| was energized. |
| flue. |
| 4. | Check the high temperature limit switch. |
Error 5 | The self diagnostic test has | 1. | Check that all wiring is correct and secure. |
detected an error in the hot- | 2. | Disconnect the igniter connector and measure the igniter resistance | |
| surface igniter circuit. |
| with an accurate ohmmeter between pins 1 and 2. Resistance |
| should be between 11.5 and 18.8 ohms. If the reading is incorrect, |
| replace the |
| 3. | If the above checks are good, replace the control. |
| |
Error 6 | The maximum number of igni- | 1. Ensure the igniter is positioned correctly. | |
tion retries or recycles has | 2. | Ensure the voltage to the water heater is | |
| been reached and the system | 3. | Clear any obstructions or restrictions in the water heater air intake |
| is in lockout for an hour. Cycle |
| or exhaust flue. |
| the power to the water heater |
| off and on to reset. |
Table 5
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