Pella 81DU0100 installation instructions Interior Finishing, Finishing Instructions

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If products cannot be finished immediately, cover with clear plastic to protect from dirt, damage and moisture. Remove any construction residue before finishing. Sand all wood surfaces lightly ZLWKJULWRUŵQHUVDQGSDSHU'2127XVHVWHHOZRRO%(&$5()8/127726&5$7&+7+( */$665HPRYHVDQGLQJGXVW

Pella products must be finished per the below instructions; failure to follow these instructions voids the Limited Warranty.


Paint or finish immediately after installation.

Note: DO NOT paint, stain or finish weatherstrip or vinyl parts! If paint, stain or finish gets on the weatherstripping, wipe it off immediately with a damp cloth. To maintain proper performance, do not remove weatherstrip, foam corner seal wedges or gaskets. Air and water leakage may result if these factory-installed items are removed. After finishing, allow doors to dry completely before closing them. Pella will not be responsible for finishing imperfections. The use of unapproved finishes, solvents or cleaning chemicals may cause adverse reactions with door materials. Pella will not be responsible for problems caused by the use fo unapproved materials. If in doubt, contact your local retailer or representative.

Use of inappropriate finishes, solvents, brickwash or cleaning chemicals will cause adverse actions with window and door materials and voids the Limited Warranty.

&DUHDQGPDLQWHQDQFHLQIRUPDWLRQLVDYDLODEOHLQWKH3HOOD2ZQHU V0DQXDO<RXFDQREWDLQDQ owner's manual by contacting your local Pella retailer. This information is also available on www.

Factory Prefinished Panels: A door panel that has been prefinished with stain or paint from the factory requires no additional finishing. Clean the surface with mild soap and water. DO NOT use abrasives. DO NOT scrape or use tools that might damage the surface.

Clad Exterior Frame:7KHH[WHULRUIUDPHLVSURWHFWHGE\DOXPLQXPFODGGLQJZLWKRXUWRXJK EnduraClad® baked-on-factory finish that needs no painting. Clean this surface with mild soap and water. DO NOT use abrasives. DO NOT scrape or use tools that might damage the surface.

Panel Cleaning and Prep Instructions for Unfinished or Primed Panels: Dry wipe dust from GRRUVJHQWO\([DPLQHGRRUIRUSRVVLEOHVPXGJHVRUŵQJHUSULQWVPDGHIURPQRUPDOKDQGOLQJRU construction. To remove smudges, lightly wipe surface with warm water. DO NOT sand surface of ŵEHUJODVVSDQHO6FXIIVDQGZLWKOLJKWJUDGHVDQGSDSHURUDEUDVLYHSDG JULWRUKLJKHU 5LQVH surface with mineral spirits for fiberglass panels and warm water for steel panels. Let door and sidelight surfaces dry completely before applying finish. Finish the door panels as soon as possible after installation.

Staining fiberglass panels or unfinished interior frame members: Fiberglass door and sidelight panels may be stained with a gel stain if a wood look is desired. Pella offers stain kits in a variety RIFRORUV$SSO\DQGŵQLVKSHUWKHVWDLQNLWPDQXIDFWXUHU VLQVWUXFWLRQ(QVXUHWKDWDOOH[SRVHG SDQHOHGJHVDUHŵQLVKHGWRPLQLPL]HWKHFKDQFHRIGDPDJH8QSULPHGLQWHULRUIUDPHSDUWV may be stained with wood stains and should be finished with a minimum of two coats of a clear SRO\XUHWKDQHŵQLVK'2127EULGJHWKHWRSFRDWEHWZHHQWKHRXWHUHGJHRIWKHJOD]LQJIUDPH and the door panel.

Note: The fiberglass base color tone will vary. This variance is normal and will not impact the stain color of the door.


Failure to use the correct type of finish may result in a door that sticks shut. Ask a qualified paint professional to specify a product with good blocking resistance.


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Contents Instrucciones en español en el reverso Pella Corporation Part Number 81DU0100Remember to USE Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment WideRough Opening Preparation GO to Step For Doors Using Optional Sill PAN GO to StepRough Opening Preparation Cut two 9 pieces of flashing tape with a Optional Sill Pan InstructionsApply sill flashing tape. Cut a DQJOHRQWRWKHHWHULRU Prepare the Door for InstallationRIWKHWDSHDSSOLHGWRWKHVLGHŶDQJH7KH For doors with no lock/bore Setting and Fastening the DoorDesigner Series Doors 3ED Setting and Fastening the DoorClip or Frame Screw Installation, go to Step Check door operation. Open and close the door to check for Double Doors OnlyDoor Frame Corner Integrating the Door to the Water Resistive BarrierHead Flashing Instruction and Rough Opening Preparation Door Replacement in Siding Without Nail FINApply top flashing tape. Cut a piece of flashing Apply the top flashing paper. Cut one piece0DNHVXUHWKHWDSHLVDSSOLHG Door Replacement in Siding Without Nail FINOut-Swing Screw Locations In-Swing Screw Locations KROHVFUHZVLH ORFDWLRQGHWDLOVFasten the door to the opening by driving Installation Clip MethodSee C for Clip Application Details 6AB 6CA Interior SealCheck the door operation by opening and closing the door Sealing the Door to the Exterior Wall Cladding Replacement FrameExterior Wall Cladding Sealing the Door toInsert backer rod into the space around HWHULRUIDFHRIWKHGRRUFinishing Instructions Interior FinishingExterior Finishing Care and Maintenance Important NoticeIssue Troubleshooting Adjustable Strike Latching Issues