Installation Instructions
Installation Manual
Bosch Eco26+
External Model
To be installed and serviced only by an authorised person
This appliance is not suitable for use as a pool heater
The "authorised installing person" is responsible for:
1.Correct commissioning of this appliance.
2.Ensure unit performs to the specifications stated on the rating label.
3.Demonstrate operation of unit to customer before leaving.
4.Hand these instructions to customer.
Service Department: 1300 30 70 37
This appliance must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions, AS5601, AS/NZS3500.4, AS3000 wiring regulations and all Local Building, Water and Gas fitting regulations.
Failure to install this appliance in accordance with these installation instructions may void warranty
In the interest of continued product improvement, Bosch reserves the right to alter these specifications without notice.
Rev. 07/08
*SAR8854 C*