After checking for speaker placement, let the test noise circulate again, and listen to see which channels sound louder than the others. Using the front left speaker as a reference, press the ‹/› Buttons Eon the remote to bring all speakers to the same volume level. When one of the ‹/› buttons is pushed, the test noise circulation will pause on the channel being adjusted to give you time to make the adjustment. When you release the button, the circulation will resume after five seconds. The on-screen cursor › and the test noise can also be moved directly to the speaker to be adjusted by pressing the ⁄/¤ buttons
Eon the remote.
Continue to adjust the individual channels until the volume level sounds the same from each speaker. Note that adjustments should be made with the ‹/› Buttons Eon the remote only, NOT the main volume controls.
If you are using a sound-pressure level (SPL) meter for precise level adjustment with the test
tone, open the main Volume Control to - 15dB and set the individual output level for each channel so that the meter reads 75dB, C- Weighted Slow. After all settings are made turn the main volume down.
You may also make these same adjustments with complete manual control over the channel being adjusted by pressing the⁄/¤ Navigation Button Euntil the ➔ cursor is pointing to the TEST TONE line on the menu and then using the ‹/› Navigation Button Eto select MAN in the highlighted video. In the MAN mode, the test tone will also start immediately, but the tone will only be moved to another channel by pressing the ⁄/¤ Navigation Button E. When the manual sequencing mode is active, the tone is turned off by pressing the ⁄/¤ Navigation Button Euntil the ➔ cursor is pointing to the TEST TONE line and the ‹/› Navigation Button Eis then pressed to select OFF in the highlighted video.
The final option for tone adjustment using the menu system is to not use the internal test tone at all. To do this, simply use the ⁄/¤ Navigation Button Eto change the channel and then use the ⁄/¤ Navigation Button
Eto change the output level. When making channel output adjustments without the internal test tone we strongly recommend that you use a test disc in the “repeat” mode on your DVD or CD player so that the signal being used is con- stant throughout the adjustment process.
NOTE: The subwoofer output level is not adjustable using the test tone. To change the subwoofer level, follow the steps for Output Level Trim Adjustment on page 40.
When all channels have an equal volume level, the adjustment is complete. Now turn the
Volume down to about -40dB, otherwise the listening level may be too high as soon as the
source’s music starts to play. To exit this menu, press the ⁄/¤ buttons Euntil the on-screen
›cursor is next to the BACK TO MANUAL SETUP line, and then press the Set Button Fto return to the MANUAL SETUP.
The output levels may also be adjusted at any time using the remote control and semi-OSD sys- tem. To adjust the output levels in this fashion, press the Test Button 8. As soon as the button is pressed, the test tone will begin to circulate as indicated earlier. The correct channel from which the test noise should be heard will be shown in the lower third of the video screen and in the Main Information Display ˜. While the test noise is circulating, the proper channel position will also be indicated in the Speaker/Channel Input Indicators Ú by a blinking letter within the correct channel. Turn up
the Volume until you can hear the test noise clearly.
To adjust the output level, press the ⁄/¤ but- tons Euntil the desired level is shown in the display or on screen. Once the buttons are released, the test noise will begin to circulate again in five seconds.
When all channels have the same output level,
turn the Volume down to about -40dB, oth- erwise the listening level may be too high as soon as the source’s music starts to play. Afterwards press the Test Tone Selector 8 button again to turn the test tone off and complete the process.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Output level adjust- ment made will be effective for all inputs, but only for the actual surround mode selected. To be effective for any other mode select that mode (with any input) and repeat the level adjustment described above. This will also allow you to com- pensate level differences between speakers, that may be different with each surround mode, or to increase or decrease the level of certain speakers intentionally, depending on the surround mode selected.
Note: Output level adjustment is not available for the Surround Off mode, as no surround speak- ers are used (so level differences between the speakers in the room cannot occur). But to com- pensate level differences between stereo and other surround modes (independently from the input selected) the outputs can be adjusted with the Level Trim Adjustment procedure, see page 40, also for the Surround Off (Stereo) modes.
In addition to the controls for selecting channels and the test tone operation, the settings on this menu also allow you to reset the level settings to either the factory default of 0dB or to re-establish the settings that were entered by running EzSet/EQ.
To reset all channel levels to 0dB press ⁄/¤ Navigation Button Eso that the cursor is pointing to the LEVEL RESET line and then press the ⁄/¤ Navigation Button Eonce so ON appears in highlighted video.
To return to the settings established by EzSet/EQ, even if you have made manual changes to the output trims using the steps shown above, press ⁄/¤ Navigation Button Eso that the cur- sor is pointing to the EZSET SETTINGS line and then press the ⁄/¤ Navigation Button Eonce so ON appears in highlighted video. Remember that after turning the EzSet/EQ settings back on you must turn return to this menu line and change the setting to OFF if you wish to make any manual trim adjustments.
The final setting in this menu enables you to have the output levels remain the same for all inputs or to be adjusted differently for each (or any) input. While most listeners prefer to keep the same output levels for all sources, you may wish to raise or lower some channels, particularly the subwoofer output for a specific source such as a CD that is primarily used for music playback.
To enter individual settings for a specific channel, first make sure that you have either run EzSet/EQ and/or made any desired manual trim adjust- ments to set a baseline for all channels. After that is done, press the OSD Button Lto exit the menu system and then select the input for which you wish to enter different level settings by using either the Input Source Selectors % on the front panel or the buttons on the remote that are used to select an input source
467ç∂. Next, return to the CHANNEL OUTPUT submenu using the steps outlined above.
At the CHANNEL OUTPUT menu press ⁄/¤ Navigation Button Euntil the cursor is pointing to the LEVEL TRIM line and then press the ⁄/¤ Navigation Button Eonce so that INDEPENDENT appears in high- lighted video. When this setting is active you may change the channel output levels for any input without changing the settings previously estab- lished for another.