The factory default settings for the AVR 8500 have all inputs configured for an analog audio input except for the DVD input, where the Coaxial Digital Input is the default. Once the DSP processing system is used for the first time for any input, the speaker settings will automatically default to “Small” at all positions with the subwoofer set to “LFE.”The default set- ting for the surround modes is “Surround Off,” or two-channel stereo, although Dolby Digital or DTS will automatically be selected as appropri- ate when a source with digital encoding is in use.
Before using the unit, you will probably want to change the settings for most inputs so that they are properly configured to reflect the use of digi- tal or analog inputs, the type of speakers installed and the surround mode associated with the input. Remember that since the AVR memo- rizes the settings for each input individually, you will need to make these adjustments for each input used. However, once they are made, fur- ther adjustment is only required when system components are changed.
To make this process as quick and as easy as possible, we suggest that you use the full-OSD system with the on-screen menus, and step through each input. Once you have completed the settings for the first input, many settings may be duplicated for the remaining inputs.
The items that follow will describe the individual settings required for each input. Remember that once the settings are made for one input, they must be made for all other input sources in your system.
Input Setup
The first step in configuring the AVR is to select an input, i.e. to associate an analog or digital input with each input source in use, e.g. CD or DVD. Note that once an input is selected, all settings for the Digital Input, Speaker Configuration and Surround Mode will ”attach” themselves to that input and be stored in a non- volatile memory. This means that once made, the selection of an input will automatically recall those settings. For that reason, the procedures described below must be repeated for each input source so that you have the opportunity to custom tailor each source to your specific listne- ing requirements. However, once made they need not be changed again unless you need to alter a setting.
When using the full-OSD system to make the setup adjustments, press the OSD button L once so that the MASTER MENU (Figure
1)appears. Note that the › cursor will be next to the IN/OUTSETUPline. Press the Set button Fto enter the menu and the IN/OUTSETUP menu (Figure 2) will appear on the screen. Press the ‹/› buttons E until the desired input name appears in the highlighted video, as well as being indicated in the front panel Input Indicators ıby the green LED next to the desired input name. If the input will use the standard left/right analog inputs, no further adjustment is needed (except with DVD).
* I N / O U T S E T U P *
I N P U T | | : V I D E O 1 |
D I G I T A L | I N : O P T I C A L 1 |
V I D E O 5 | | : I N O U T |
T O N E M O D E | : I N O U T |
B A S S | | : 0 d B |
T R E B L E | | : 0 d B |
B A C K T O | M A S T E R M E N U |
Figure 2
If you wish to associate one of the digital inputs with the selected input source, press the ¤ Button Don the remote while the IN/OUTSETUP menu (Figure 2) is on the screen, and note that the on-screen cursor will drop down to the DIGITAL I N line. Press the ‹/› Buttons E until the name of the desired digital input appears. To return to the Analog input, press the buttons until the word ANALOGappears. When the correct input source appears, press the ¤ button D to continue with the In/Out settings.
To associate an analog or digital input with the input source currently selected at any time using the discrete function buttons, press the Digital Input Select Button ÛGon the remote while the full-OSD is not in use. Within five sec- onds, make your input selection using the ‹/ › 7$buttons on the front or the ⁄/¤ D Buttons on the remote until the desired digital or analog input is shown in the Upper Display Line Aand in the upper line of the on-screen display. Press the Set Button Fto enter the new input assignment.
An exclusive Harman Kardon feature is the abili- ty to switch front panel Audio/Video jacks from their normal use as inputs to output connections so that portable recording devices may easily be connected. The front panel analog Video 5 Jacks Òare normally set as an input for use with camcorders, video games and other portable audio/video products, but they may be
switched to an output for connection to portable audio/video recorders. To temporarily switch them to outputs, select the IN/OUT SETUP menu. Press the ¤ button Duntil the on-screen › cursor is pointing to the
VIDEO 5 line. Press the › button so that the word OUT is highlighted. Note that the Input/Output Status Indicator between the S and Composite video jacks will turn red, indicating that the analog Video 5 Jacks Òare now record outputs.
Selection of the jacks as an output will remain effective as long as the AVR is on. However, once the unit is turned off, the jack will revert to its normal use as an input when the unit is turned on again.
The AVR 8500 features electronic bass and treble adjustments for the front left and right channels for stereo and all surround modes, except THX. Accessable either through the on screen menu or directly from the remote control, the electronic adjustments provide greater accuracy than traditonal front panel knobs.
To adjust the tone controls through the on- screen menu system you must first go to the IN/OUTSETUPmenu. If that menu is not already on the screen, press the OSD Button
Lso that the MASTERMENUappears. As the › cursor will already be at the IN/OUT menu line, press the Set Button Fto enter the IN/OUTmenu. Next, press the ¤ Button Duntil the › cursor is next to the TONE MODEline.
At the TONEMODEline press the ‹/ › Buttons E to select OUTif you wish to disable any settings for the tone controls. When OUTis highlighted the unit is in the ”flat” mode and the tone controls have no effect. The normal setting is IN, which activates the tone controls.
To adjust either the bass or treble settings for the front left and right speakers, press the ⁄/ ¤ buttons Duntil the › cursor is to the left of the setting you wish to adjust. At the line for the desired option, press the ‹/ › Buttons E
to increase or decrease the bass or treble output.
When adjustments have been made, press the
¤Button Dunil the › cursor is next to BACKTOMASTERMENUto continue with the system configuration.