Fisher & Paykel Active Smart manual How to get Service, Commerical Use, No Other Warranties

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How to get Service

Limited Warranty


How to get Service

Please read your User Guide. If you then have any questions about operating the Product, need the name of your local Fisher & Paykel Authorized Service Agent, or believe the Product is defective and wish service under this Limited Warranty, please contact your dealer or call us at: TOLL FREE 1-888-9-FNP-USA (1-888-9-367-872) Canada also

or contact us through our web site:

You may be required to provide reasonable proof of the date of purchase of the Product before the Product will be serviced under this Limited Warranty.

Commerical Use

If you are using the Product in a commercial setting (any use other then a single-family dwelling), we agree to repair or replace, without cost to you for parts only, any defective parts, the serial number of which appears on the Product, including the sealed refrigeration system. Our liability for these repairs expires ONE YEAR from the date of original purchase.

You receive an additional three year Limited Warranty (for a total of five years) covering parts for the sealed refrigeration system (compressor, evaporator, condenser, filter dryer, and connecting tubing) within the 48 mainland United States, Hawaii, Washington, D.C and Canada. In Alaska the Limited Warranty for the sealed refrigeration system is the same except that you must pay to ship the Product to the service shop or the service technician’s travel to your home.

At our option we may replace the part or the Product, or we may provide you a full refund of the purchase price of the Product (not including installation or other charges). All service under this Limited Warranty shall be provided by Fisher & Paykel or its Authorized Service Agent during normal business hours.

No Other Warranties

This Limited Warranty is the complete and exclusive agreement between you and us regarding any defect in the Product. None of our employees (or our Authorized Service Agents) is authorized to make any addition or modification to this Limited Warranty.

Warrantor: Fisher & Paykel Appliances, Inc.

If you need further help concerning this Limited Warranty, please call us at the above number, or write to:

Fisher & Paykel Appliances 5900 Skylab Road Huntington Beach

CA 92647

This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.


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Contents Refrigeración RefrigerationRéfrigération User guide USPage Contenido ContentsTable des matières Active Smart MaintenancePage Danger Important Safety InformationDisposal ElectricalCleaning Power Failure - Food SafetySAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS Storing Food and Drinks1. Power Installation - Four Essential Requirements2. Location 3. StabilityBefore Placing Food in the Fresh Food or Freezer Compartments 4. Ventilation and InstallationEnergy Efficiency Moving Your Refrigerator Moving or Storing Your RefrigeratorStoring Your Refrigerator or Freezer Vacation TimeTemperature Control Active Smart Operating InstructionsFresh Food Compartment Freezer Foods CompartmentSabbath Mode When the Product is in Sabbath ModeNormal Refrigerator Sounds Normal Operational Sounds IncludeDoor Alarms Active Smart Special FeaturesFault Alarms Fruit and Vegetable Bins and Humidity Control CoverDivider Instructions Where Fitted Active Smart MaintenanceReplacement of the Interior Light Halogen Light Bulb Interior Cleaning Care - Interior/ExteriorExterior Stainless Exterior Door Other Exterior SurfacesTo Remove Trays Cleaning Care - Special FeaturesTo Replace Trays Interior Glass ShelvesHumidity Control System Cleaning Care - Special FeaturesFresh Food Care Storing Food in Your RefrigeratorDairy Foods and Eggs Poultry Red MeatFish and Seafood Precooked Foods and LeftoversFrozen Food Care Storing Food in Your FreezerRecommended Freezer Storage Times Fish Meat, Poultry and GameVegetables Prepared and Cooked FoodsProblem Problem Solving ChecklistPossible Causes What to doinside freezer Ice buildupcompartment Taste or odor inFisher & Paykel Undertakes to Limited WarrantyThis Warranty Does Not Cover How Long Does this Limited Warranty Last?Commerical Use How to get ServiceNo Other Warranties Advertencia Instrucciones importantes de seguridadPeligro DesechoAlmacenar Alimentos y Bebidas GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONESFalla de energía eléctrica - Seguridad de los Alimentos Limpieza1. Energía eléctrica Instalación - Cuatro Requisitos Esenciales2. Ubicación 3. EstabilidadPara evitar deficiencias en la generación de Energía 4. Ventilación e InstalaciónMover el refrigerador Mover y Almacenar su RefrigeradorAlmacenarsu refrigerador o congelador ¿Sale de vacaciones?Control de temperatura Instrucciones de Operación del ‘Active Smart’Compartimiento del alimentos frescos Compartimiento de alimentos congeladosSonidos normales del refrigerador Modo SabáticoCuando el Producto se encuentre en el Modo Sabático Los sonidos operacionales normales incluyenAlarmas de falla Alarmas de puertaCaracterísticas Especiales del ‘Active Smart’ Cajones para Frutas y Verduras y cubierta de control de humedadGuía del elemento divisor cuando sea ajustable Mantenimiento del ‘Active Smart’Reemplazo de la luz interior Bombilla de luz halógena NotaExterior Puerta con exterior inoxidable Cuidados de Limpieza - Interior/ExteriorOtras superficies exteriores Charola evaporadora de aguaPara volver a colocar las charolas Para quitar las charolasInterior Estantes de vidrio Cuidados de Limpieza - Características EspecialesSistema de control de humedad Cuidados de Limpieza - Características EspecialesCuidado de la comida fresca Guardar Comida en su RefrigeradorLácteos y huevos Aves Carne rojaPescados y mariscos Alimentos ya cocinados y sobrantesCuidado de la comida congelada Guardar Comida en su CongeladorTiempos de almacenamiento recomendados para congelación Pescado Carne, aves y carne de cazaVerduras Alimentos preparados y cocinadosProblema Lista de comprobación para solucionar problemasCausas posibles Qué hacerLos costados del gabinete están calientes Fisher & Paykel se compromete a Garantía limitadaEsta garantía no cubre ¿Cuánto dura esta Garantía Limitada?Uso comercial Cómo obtener servicioNinguna otra garantía Avertissement Consignes de sécurité importantesMise au rebut ÉlectricitéStockage des aliments et des boissons CONSERVEZ CES CONSIGNESPanne de courant - Hygiène alimentaire Nettoyage2. Emplacement Installation - Quatre exigences essentielles1. Alimentation 3. StabilitéEfficacité énergétique 4. Aération et installationDéplacement du réfrigérateur Déplacement ou entreposage du réfrigérateurEntreposage du réfrigérateur ou du congélateur VacancesLe contrôle de la température Procédures de mise en marche de l’Active SmartRéfrigérateur CongélateurSons normaux du réfrigérateur Mode SabbatLorsque le produit fonctionne en mode Sabbat Les sons de fonctionnement normaux comprennentAlarmes de notification d’anomalies Alarmes des portesCaractéristiques spéciales de l’Active Smart Bacs à fruits et légumes et leur couvercle de contrôle de l’humiditéRemplacement de la lumière intérieure ampoule halogène Instructions concernant la plaque de séparation si installéeEntretien de l’Active Smart RemarqueIntérieur NettoyageExtérieur Porte extérieure en inox Autres surfaces extérieuresNettoyage - Caractéristiques spéciales Remplacement des bacsEnlèvement des bacs Clayettes en verre1 Tournez la clayette à l’envers Système de contrôle de l’humiditéce que le bras soit fixé à la clayette en verre 4 Ajustez les languettes de la glissièreConservation des aliments frais Conservation des aliments au réfrigérateurProduits laitiers et oeufs Volaille La viande rougePoisson et fruits de mer Aliments précuits et restesConservation des aliments au congélateur Durée de conservation recommandée des aliments congelésConservation des aliments congelés Poisson Viande, volaille et gibierLégumes Aliments préparés et cuitsProblème Un problème! Que faire?Causes possibles Quoi faireLes parois de l’appareil sont chaudes Avec le temps et l’usage, il peut y avoir eu un déplacementDes ouvertures trop fréquentes Vérifiez que le joint soit bien en place etFisher & Paykel s’engage à Garantie limitéeCette garantie ne couvre pas ce qui suit Durée de la garantie limitéeUsage commercial Pour obtenir de l’assistanceAucune autre garantie Part No. 836802 A US ES FR User Guide Published 04/2005 Translated 04/2005Copyright Fisher & Paykel 2005. All rights reserved Copyright Fisher & Paykel 2005. Todos los derechos reservados