Clarion DXZ645MP owner manual Wma

Page 34

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clarion MP3/WMA Operations / Fonctionnement des MP3/WMA MP3/WMA-Betrieb / Operazioni MP3/WMA

Before using any MP3/WMA discs, please read the following supplemental instructions in conjunction with your Owner'sManual.

Avant d'utiliserdes disques MP3/WMA, veuillez lire les explications comph~mentairessuivantes en plus de celles de votre Mode d'emploi.

What is WMA?

eTo disable DRM (Digital Rights Management) :

When using Windows Media Player 7, click on TOOLS'"OPTIONS'"CD AUDIO; there, uncheck the ENABLE PERSONAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT check box, then construct files.

When using Windows Media Player for Windows XP 8, click on TOOLS ...

OPTIONS'"COPY MUSIC tab, then under COpy SETTINGS, unclick the check box for PROTECT CONTENT. Thereafter, reconstruct files.

Personally constructed WMA files are used at your own responsibility.

Displaying CD titles


If MP3IWMA disc is not input TAG, "NO TAG" appears in the display.

For MP3, supports 103 Tags V2.3 12.21 1.111.0.

Tag displays give priority to V2.3 12.2

In the case of album Tags for WMA, the information written into the extension header is displayed.

Only ASCII characters can be displayed in Tags.

Play list mode

Press the [<<OIIl] or [~>] buttons to change the track.

Press [DN] button to move to the previ- ous play list.

Qu'est-ce que WMA?

e Pour invalider DRM (Gestion de Droits Numeriques):

A I'emploide Windows Media Player 7, cliquez sur OUTILS ... OPTIONS'"CD AUDIO; la, decochez la case ENABLE PERSONAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT, puis construisez les fichiers.

A I'emploide Windows Media Player pour Windows XP 8, cliquez sur OUTILS

... OPTIONS'"I'ongletCOPY MUSIC, puis sous COPY SETTINGS, decochez la case PROTECT CONTENT. Ensuite, reconstruisez les fichiers.

Les fichiers WMA personnellement construits devront etre utilises sous votre propre responsabilite.

eFormat logique (systeme de fichier)

N'attribuezpas un nom a un fichier dans un dossier ou Ie meme nom existe deja.

Affichage des titres de CD


Si un disque MP31WMA ne possede pas de TAG, Ie message "NO TAG" apparait sur I'afficheur.

Pour les MP3, il prend en compte les Tags 103 V2,312.21 1.1 1 1.0.

L'affichage Tag donne la priorite a V2.3 12.2.

Dans Ie cas d'Album Tags pour WMA, I'information ecrite sur I'en-tete d'extension est affichee.

Seuls les caracteres ASCII peuvent etre affiches en Tags.

Mode de liste de lecture

Precautions when creating MP31WMA disc

eUsable sampling rates and bit rates:

MP3: Sampling rate 8k Hz-48 kHz,

Bit rate: 8 kbps-320 kbps I VBR

WMA: Bit rate 48 kbps-192 kbps

e Logical format (File system)

Do not affix a name to a file inside a folder having the same name.

Press [UP] button to move to the next play list.


The SCN/RPTIROM functions cannot be used while in the play list mode.

The title display changes from folder name to play list name.

Precautions lors de la realisation d'un disque MP31


eTaux d'echantillonnageet debits binaires utilisables

MP3: Taux d'echantillonnage: 8 kHz - 48 kHz

Debits binaires : 8 kbps - 320 kbps I VBR

Appuyez sur la touche [<<OIIl] ou [~>] pour changer la plage.

Appuyez sur [DN] pour passer a la Iiste de lecture precedente.

Appuyez sur [UP] pour passer a la Iiste de lecture suivante.


Les fonctions SCN 1 RPT1 ROM ne sont pas utilisables pendant Ie mode de liste de lecture.


• WMA: Debits binaires: 48 kbps - 192

• L'affichage de titre change du nom de


dossier au nom de liste de lecture.


The speaker 1. Turn down sound volume. Function can also be restored


by turning the power off and on again. (Speaker volume

circuit is

is reduced automatically when the speaker protection


circuit operates).


2. If the sound is muted again, consult our service



Bitte lesen Sie vor dem Gebrauch von MP3/WMA-Oiscs die folgenden Hinweise zusatzlich zur Bedienungsanleitung.



. ~>

,'::J Pas de son.

Le circuit de

1. Abaissez Ie volume sonore. Le fonctionnement peut



aussi etre retabli en mettant I'appareilhors tension, puis

des haut-

sous tension.


parleurs a

(Le volume des haut-parleurs est automatiquement reduit




lorsque Ie circuit de protection entre en service.)



2. Si Ie son est a nouveau mis en sourdine, consultez notre


service d'entretien.

Prima di utilizzare dei dischi del tipo MP3 0 WMA leggere Ie seguenti istruzioni aggiuntive, che completano iI contenuto del manuale di istruzioni.

Was bedeutet "WMA"?

eZum Sperren von DRM (Digital Rights Management)

Bei Verwendung von Windows Media Player 7 klicken Sie auf TOOLS'" OPTIONS'"CD AUDIO, deaktivieren Sie das Kontrollkastchen ENABLE PERSONAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT, und konstruieren Sie dann die Dateien.

Bei Verwendung von Windows Media Player for Windows XP 8 klicken Sie auf TOOLS'"OPTIONS'"COPY MUSIC, deaktivieren Sie in dieser Registerkarte das Kontrollkastchen PROTECT CONTENT unter COPY SETTINGS, und rekonstruieren Sie dann die Dateien.

Der Hersteller bietet keinerlei Gewahr fUr Dateien, die vom Benutzer selbst konstruiert wurden.

Vorsichtshinweise zur Erstellung von MP3IWMA- Discs

eGeeignete Abtastfrequenzen und Bitraten:

MP3: Abtastfrequenz: 8 kHz bis 48 kHz,

Bitrate: 8 kBiVs bis 320 kBiVs I VBR

WMA: Bitrate: 48 kBiVs bis 192 kBiVs


eLogisches Format (Dateisystem)

Einer Datei darf nicht der gleiche Name wie der Name des Ordners zugewiesen, in dem sich die betreffende Datei befindet.

Anzeigen von Disc-



Wenn fUr eine MP3/WMA-Oisc keine TAG- Informationen eingegeben worden sind, erscheint die Anzeige "NO TAG" im Display.

Bei MP3-0ateien werden 103- Tags V2.31 untersWtzt.

Bei der Anzeige von Tag-Informationen werden V2.3 12.2 mit Vorrang behandelt.

Bei Album- Tags fiir WMA-Oateien werden die in die Erweiterungs-Kopfzeile geschriebenen Informationen angezeigt.

In Tags k6nnen nur ASCII-Zeichen angezeigt werden.


Betatigen Sie die Tasten [<<OIIlJ, [~>], um den Titel zu wechseln.

Drucken Sie die [DN]-Taste, um auf die vorige Abspielliste zuruckzukehren.

Drucken Sie die [UP]-Taste, um auf die nachste Abspielliste weiterzuschalten.


1m Abspiellisten-Modus stehen die SCNI RPT/ROM-Funktionen nicht zur Verfiigung.

Die Namensanzeige wechselt vom Ordernamen auf den Abspiellistennamen.

Che cosa e if sistema WMA?

eOisattivazione del sistema DRM (Digital Rights Management = Gestione dei diritti digitali):

In caso di uso del sistema Windows Media Player 7 c1iccare, nell'ordine, STRUMENTI ... OPZIONI ... CD AUDIO; disattivare I'opzione

"ATTIVAZIONE DELLA GESTIONE DEI DIRITTI DIGITALI", e procedere poi alia realizzazione dei file.

In caso di uso del sistema Windows Media Player per Windows XP 8, cliccare su STRUMENTI'"OPZIONI

... Iinguetta COPIARE MUSICA, e poi, alia voce PREDISPOSIZIONI PER LA COP lA, disattivare I'opzione

PROTEZIONE DEL CONTENUTO. Dopo di cia si puo procedere alia realizzazione dei file.

I file WMA realizzati su base personale sona utilizzati sotta la diretta responsabilita de/l'utente.

Precauzioni per la creazione di dischi MP3 e WMA

e Valori di campionamento e di bit utilizzabili:

MP3: Valori di campionamento: da 8 a 48 kHz

Valori bit: da 8 a 32 kbps (VBR)

WMA: Valori bit: da48 a 192 kbps

eFormato logico (sistema dei file)

Non assegnare ad un file che si trova dentro una cartella 10 stesso nome della cartella.

Visualizzazione dei titoli dei CD


Se il disco del tipo MP3IWMA non contiene alcun titolo di etichettatura, sui quadrante compare iI messaggio "NO TAG" ("ness una etichetta'].

Per I'MP3, sono utilizzabili Ie etichette 103 del tipo V2.3, V2.2, V1.1 e V1.0.

La visualizzazione dell'etichetta da la priorita a V2.3 e V2.2.

Nel caso di etichette per album del sistema WMA, viene visualizzata /'informazione contenuta nell'estensione.

Nelle etichette possono essere visualizzati solo i caratteri del tipo ASCII.

Moda/ita di lettura di una lista

Per cambiare brano agire opportunamente sui tasti [<<OIIlj 0 [~>].

Per passare alia Iista di lettura precedente agire sui tasto [DN].

Per passare alia lista di lettura successiva agire sui tasto [UP].


Le funzioni di scansione (SCN), di ripetizione (RPT) e di riproduzione casuale (ROM) non possono essere utilizzate in modalita di lista di lettura.

La visualizzazione del titolo passa da quella del nome della cartella a quella del nome della lista di lettura.



1. Drehen Sie die Lautstarke zurOck.


Die einwandfreie Geratefunktion kann auch


wiedergestellt werden, indem das Gerat einmal aus- und

tung ist

dann wieder eingeschaltet wird.


(Bei aktivierter Schutzschaltung wird die Lautstarke


automatisch reduziert.)


2. Falls die Stummschaltung erneut aktiviert wird, wenden


Sie sich bitte an den Clarion-Kundendienst.

c.'Non e udibile


-. -'.. ,.;

,: i;J:.,~··

II circuito di

1. Abbassare il volume sonoro.


alcun suono.


La funzione PUQ venire ripristinata anche spegnendo



I'apparecchioe riaccendendolo (all'attivazionedel circuito


altoparlanti e

di protezione degli altoparlanti il volume degli altoparlanti



viene automaticamente ridotto).




2. Se il suono risulta di nuovo silenziato, rivolgersi al nostro



Centro di assistenza.


Image 34
Contents DXZ645MP Contents FeaturesPrecautions Information for UsersHandling Compact Discs CleaningFlip Down Panel HandlingControls / LES Commandes / Controles DN, UPNomenclature Names of the Buttons and their FunctionsSelect a category Select a track when listening to a discSwitch the TV picture mode or VTR external picture mode Press the button to select a stationOperation status indication Display ItemsLCD Screen Titles, clock, etc. are displaysAttaching the DCP When removing the DCPRemoving the DCP Pull the DCP toward you and remove itRemote Control Inserting the BatteriesFunctions of Remote Control Unit Buttons Operations Basic OperationsAdjusting the tone Basic Operations Adjusting the Z-Enhancer PlusAdjusting the bass Gain Frequency, Q-curve Adjusting the subwoofer output volumeRadio Operations Radio Operations Recalling a preset stationPreset scan Instant station recall ISRCD/MP3/WMA Operations What is MP3?What is WMA? Multisession functionCD/MP3/WMA Operations Backup Eject functionPausing play Listening to a disc already loaded in the unitFast-forward/fast-backward CD/MP3/WMA Operations Displaying CD titles Folder SelectSelecting a track Top functionFolder repeat play Folder scan playRepeat play Random playMaking a play list CD/MP3/WMA Operations Play list modeSetting the 2-ZONE function About the 2-ZONE functionFor a source group included in this unit Adjusting the sound level for the Main zoneCounterchanging the sources of the Main and SUB zones For a source group in external equip- mentTurning the screen saver function on or off Operations Common to Each ModeSetting the method for title scroll Entering Message InformationSetting LOW Pass Filter Adjusting the display contrastAnti-theft indicator Selecting AUX in sensitivitySetting the button illumination Operations Common to Each ModeSetting the clock Entering titlesTriggered audio mute for cellular telephones Clearing titlesAUX function CD Changer Operations Operations of AccessoriesProcedure to scroll a title CD changer functionsDisc random play CD Changer Operations Scan play Random playDisc scan play Disc repeat playWatching a TV TV OperationsTV tuner functions Watching a videoTV Operations Setting the TV diverSets the diver setting to on Press the a or d button to select TV DiverProblem Cause Measure Case of DifficultyError Displays CD/MP3/WMASpecifications PE-26218 WMA GIrD Example 1/Exemple 1/Ejemplo Example 21Exemple 21EjemploGiid OIIIICE!!!IIlJ@=O--..---o0 Clarion Page SiRiUs ,~ ClIP I~Sirius
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DXZ645MP specifications

The Clarion DXZ645MP is a versatile and feature-rich car audio receiver that stands out in the crowded field of automotive sound systems. Designed for those who appreciate high-quality audio, this model combines various technologies and user-friendly characteristics, making it an attractive option for music enthusiasts.

One of the standout features of the DXZ645MP is its advanced MP3/WMA playback capabilities. This allows users to enjoy their favorite digital music formats with ease. The unit is equipped with a front-panel USB input, enabling direct connection of USB drives, which offers a convenient way to access extensive music libraries while driving. Additionally, the inclusion of a CD player ensures compatibility with traditional media formats, catering to diverse listening preferences.

The DXZ645MP boasts an impressive 4 x 50 watts of peak power output, which means that the audio experience is both powerful and clear. It supports multiple audio adjustments, including a 3-band parametric equalizer and built-in electronic crossover. This allows users to fine-tune their sound settings based on personal preferences or the acoustics of their vehicle.

Clarion has incorporated various technologies to enhance audio clarity and performance in the DXZ645MP. The unit features high-pass and low-pass filters that help in eliminating unwanted frequencies, contributing to a more balanced audio output. In addition, it has a subwoofer output, which can be connected to an external amplifier, enabling users to enhance the bass experience even further.

For convenience, the DXZ645MP is designed with a detachable faceplate, providing security on the go. The bright display is easy to read, even in direct sunlight, ensuring visibility during driving. The user interface is intuitive, allowing drivers to navigate through music options without distractions.

Moreover, the receiver is compatible with iPods and other external devices, providing even more entertainment options. The radio tuner supports AM/FM bands, with presets that allow users to save their favorite stations for quick access.

In summary, the Clarion DXZ645MP offers a blend of advanced features and user-friendly characteristics, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to upgrade their car audio experience. With its robust performance, flexible playback options, and sound customization capabilities, this receiver delivers an impressive listening experience for all road trips and daily commutes.