•To do this, dismantle the nozzle as instructed in the paragraph «Maintenance» and soak the scaled parts for 5 minutes in 1/3 of the mixture obtained during the first run- through. Rinse the various parts thoroughly before replacing them.
Problems, likely causes and
corrective actions
Problems | Probable | Corrective |
| causes | actions |
Espresso not | The accessories | |
hot enough. | are cold | accessories |
| (cups, filter | See the paragraph |
| and filter holder). | «Preparing an |
| espresso». |
| The appliance is | Wait for the |
| not hot enough. | indicator light |
| (c) to come on. |
Leaking coffee | The filter holder | See paragraph |
around the filter | is not fitted | «Preparing an |
holder | correctly. | espresso». |
| There is residual | Clean around |
| coffee on the edge | the filter and the |
| of the filter. | seal. |
| The seal of the | Clean the seal |
| percolation head | with a damp |
| is dirty. | cloth. |
| The seal of the | Contact an |
| percolation head is | approved KRUPS |
| defective. | service center. |
Very loud noise | No water in the | Fill the tank. |
pump. | coming from the |
| tank. |
| Tank incorrectly | Press firmly on |
| fitted. | the tank |
| Ground coffee too | Use freshly |
| old or dry. | ground coffee. |
Water does not | No water in the | Fill the |
flow properly. | tank. | tank. |
| Tank badly | Press firmly on |
| fitted. | the tank. |
Water does not | The filter is | Clean the filter |
flow properly. | and the grid of | |
| ground coffee is | the percolation |
| too fine or | head. See the |
| compacted | paragraph |
| too tightly. | «Maintenance » |
| and try using a |
| coarser ground |
| coffee. |
| Grid of the | Put the grid to |
| percolation head | soak in the |
| is clogged. | descaling |
| solution. See the |
| paragraph |
| «Descaling». |
| Appliance scaled. | See the Paragraph |
| «Descaling». |
Water passes | Ground coffee too | Try a finer |
too quickly. | coarse. | ground coffee. |
| Insufficient quan- | Use the spoon |
| ty of ground | supplied to |
| coffee. | measure out the |
| coffee. |
| Ground coffee not | Compact the |
| compacted. | ground coffee |
| more. |
The espresso has | Ground coffee | Try using a finer |
no head (crema | too coarse. | ground coffee. |
on the coffee) |
| Ground coffee not | Compact the |
| compacted | ground coffee |
| enough. | more. |
| Ground coffee old | Use a fresh |
| or too dry. | ground coffee. |
Insufficient | Steam /cappuccino | See paragraph |
foam on milk. | nozzle blocked | «Maintenance». |
| Milk too old. | Use fresh milk |
| Milk is lukewarm. | Cool milk in |
| the refrigerator. |
Residual water | Ground coffee not | Compact the |
in the ground | sufficiently compac- | ground coffee. |
coffee. | ted. |
| Insufficient | Increase the |
| quantity | quantity of |
| of ground coffee. | ground coffee. |
There is water | The drip tray | Empty it regularly |
around the | is overflowing |
appliance. |