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Image 18
Contents AromaSelect March + 2 mon. = mayAuswechseln der Wasserfilterkartusche DeutschEinsetzen der Wasserfilter- kartusche KaffeezubereitungEnglish Installing the water filter cartridgeCleaning Exchanging the water filter cartridgeMise en place de la cartouche filtrante Remplacement de la cartouche filtranteFrançais Préparation du caféCambio del filtro de agua EspañolInstalación del filtro de agua Elaboración de caféSubstituição do filtro de água PortuguêsInstalação do filtro de água Preparação de caféItaliano Het vervangen van het waterfilter Installeer het waterfilterNederlands Koffie zettenUdskiftning af kalkfilter DanskIsætning af kalkfilter KaffebrygningSkifte av vannfilteret Installering av vannfilteretNorsk Tilbereding av kaffeByte av vattenfilterbehållare Installation av vattenfilter- behållarenSvenska Brygga kaffeSuomi Tan∂mlamalar TürkçeDikkat Kullan∂ma Haz∂rlama¶·Ú·Û΢‹ ÙÔ˘ ηʤ ∆Ôı¤ÙËÛË Ù˘ ηۤٷ˜ Ê›ÏÙÚÔ˘ ÓÂÚÔ‡∞ÏÏ·Ï‹ Ù˘ ηۤٷ˜ Ì ÙÔ Êèïùúô ÓÂÚÔ‡ ·ı·ÚÈÛÌfi˜Ë„ÓÚÓ‚ÎÂÌË Íóùâ ÌÒÚ‡Ìӂ͇ ͇Úˉʇ ‚Ó‰flÌÓ„Ó ÙËθÚ‡‡ÏÂ̇ ͇Úˉʇ ‚Ó‰flÌÓ„Ó ÙËθÚ‡ ÓËÒÚ͇Òíëï Ë ÓÒÒËÈÒÍËÏ Òڇ̉‡Ú‡Ï ·ÂÁÓÔ‡- Òìóòúë Ë „Ë„ËÂÌ˚ ÇÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÎÂÌÌfl ͇ÒÂÚË ‚Ó‰flÌÓ„Ó Ù¥Î¸Ú‡‡Ï¥Ì‡ ͇ÒÂÚË ‚Ó‰flÌÓ„Ó Ù¥Î¸Ú‡ Ë„ÓÚÛ‚‡ÌÌfl ͇‚˘ËÒÚ͇ ‚¥‰ ̇ÍËÔÛ Deutsch Nederlands ÌÍ‡ªÌҸ͇

KF 147, KF 130, kf 140, KF 145, KF 148 specifications

Braun coffee machines have long been celebrated for their innovative designs and cutting-edge technologies. Among their notable models are the Braun KF 145, KFT 150, KF 150, KF 130, and KF 140, each offering unique features tailored to enhance the coffee brewing experience.

Starting with the Braun KF 145, this coffee maker stands out with its sleek design and user-friendly interface. It boasts a 10-cup capacity, making it ideal for families or gatherings. The KF 145 is equipped with a unique pause-and-serve feature, allowing users to pour a cup mid-brew without any mess. Its Aroma Selector ensures a customizable brew strength, catering to both mild and strong coffee preferences. Additionally, the KF 145 incorporates a durable glass carafe and an easy-to-clean filter basket, emphasizing convenience alongside performance.

Next up is the Braun KFT 150, which builds on the KF 145’s strengths with added versatility. This model features a built-in grinder, allowing users to enjoy fresh coffee beans at their finest. The adjustable grind settings enable a perfectly tailored cup every time. The KFT 150 also includes a programmable timer, ensuring coffee is ready whenever you need it, a valuable feature for busy mornings.

The Braun KF 150 offers similar traits but is designed for those who appreciate a classic, straightforward coffee brewing experience. With its intuitive controls and a large water reservoir, the KF 150 simplifies the brewing process. It also features an automatic shut-off function for safety and energy efficiency.

Moving on to the KF 130, this model is perfect for those who desire efficiency without sacrificing quality. It retains a compact design while providing a full-flavored brew. The KF 130 includes a built-in anti-drip system, preventing spills and ensuring a tidy countertop.

Lastly, the Braun KF 140 is tailored for coffee aficionados who prioritize premium features. It includes a thermal carafe that retains heat for hours, meaning your coffee stays warm without the need for warming plates. The KF 140 also features a programmable brewing option and a sophisticated water filtration system, enhancing the taste and quality of each cup.

In summary, Braun's KF range presents a variety of models that cater to different brewing preferences. With features such as adjustable brewing strength, built-in grinders, programmable timers, and innovative thermal carafes, each model showcases Braun's commitment to quality and user experience. Whether you prefer a quick cup or an artisanal blend, there is a Braun coffee maker that suits your needs perfectly.