Polar RS100 user manual Manual Limits

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Contents Polar RS100 Stop RS100 QUICK GUIDEPress StopPress Stop Press PressStop Wrist Unit ButtonsLight Red buttonINTRODUCTION TO THE RS100 RUNNING COMPUTER ContentsSETTINGS VIEWING RECORDED INFORMATION - FILECARE AND MAINTENANCE Keeping safe Setting pace and controlling intensityPlanning Checking progress1.1 PRODUCT ELEMENTS Polar Web Services1. INTRODUCTION TO THE RS100 RUNNING COMPUTER Wrist Unit1.2 USING YOUR POLAR RS100 FOR THE FIRST TIME How to enter the Basic Settings3.Time Set The display readsPress or to set 4.Date Set7.Height 6.WeightUnit 8.BirthdayMALE / FEMALE 9.Sexselect sex 2. EXERCISING 2.1 Wearing your transmitterCoded Heart Rate Transmission 2.2 Exercise recording 2.3 FUNCTIONS DURING EXERCISE Time Timer 1 timeLap time Calories CalHeart rate Display examplePress Number of the lap Lap time Average heart rate of the lap AVGSplit time Average heart rate of the lap AVG Duration total exercise time 3. VIEWING RECORDED INFORMATION - FILE of maximum heart rate Duration of recorded exerciseof average heart rate Maximum heart rate Alternation between - Average heart rateAlternation between Time spent above - belowNumber of laps while exercising 4. TOTAL VALUES 4.1 Viewing Total ValuesTo exit Total values, press the Stop button 4.2 Resetting Total Values 5. Settings On / OFF 5.1 Timer SettingsTimer MinutesManually set Target Zone OwnZoneDeactivate Target Zone Limits 5.2.1 OWNZONE LIMITS Determining Your OwnZone Heart Rate Limits symbol appears in the upper row of the display OwnZone determination begins and the OwnZoneOZ latest Reasons for using this methodOwnZone AgeBased5.2.2 MANUAL LIMITS How to use the Target Heart Rate Zones 70-80%of 50-60%of60-70%of 80-90%of5.2.3 DEACTIVATE TARGET ZONE LIMITS 5. OwnZone / Manual / Off LIM5.3 Watch Settings 5.3.1 ALARMAlarm 5.3.2 TIME SETTING 5.3.3 DATE SETTING kg / lbs 5.4 User Settings5. Weight 6.Height cm / ft8.Sex BirthdayMALE / FEMALE 9. HR Max Maximum heart rate value HRmaxHeart rate value in a sitting position HRsit 10. HR Sit5.5 General Settings 5.5.1 Sound Settingselect unit 5.5.2 Unit Setting5. Unit kg/cm / Unit lb/ft The display reads5.6 PERSONALIZE YOUR WRIST UNIT WITH A LOGO Service 6. CARE AND MAINTENANCECaring for Your RS100 Transmitter Connector Changing BatteriesTraining Computer 7. Precautions Minimizing Possible Risks When ExercisingPage …the heart symbol flashes irregularly? 8. Frequently Asked Questions…if I do not know where I am in the menu? What should I do if……the low battery symbol appears? …the display is blank?Marking on the 9. Technical Specificationscharacteristics Skin diving withTRANSMITTER WRIST UNITWatch File10. Limited Polar International Guarantee 053711. Polar Disclaimer Page Manufactured by Polar Electro Oy
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