Fisher & Paykel ActiveSmart Red meat, Poultry, Fish & seafood, Precooked foods and leftovers

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Storing Food in your Refrigerator

Red meat

Place fresh red meat on a plate and loosely cover with waxed paper or plastic wrap or foil.

Store cooked and raw meat on separate plates. This will prevent any juices lost from the raw meat from contaminating the cooked product. Delicatessan meats should be used within the recommended storage time.


Fresh whole birds should be rinsed inside and out with cold running water. Dry and place on a plate. Cover loosely with plastic wrap or foil. Poultry pieces should also be stored this way. Whole poultry should never be stuffed until just before cooking, otherwise food poisoning may result.

Cool and refrigerate cooked poultry quickly. Remove stuffing from poultry and store separately.

Fish & seafood

Whole fish and fillets should be used on the day of purchase. Until required, refrigerate on a plate loosely covered with plastic wrap, waxed paper or foil.

If storing overnight or longer, take particular care to select very fresh fish. Whole fish should be rinsed in cold water to remove loose scales and dirt and then patted dry with paper towels. Place whole fish or fillets in a sealed plastic bag.

Keep shellfish chilled at all times. Use within 1-2 days.

Precooked foods and leftovers

These should be stored in suitable covered containers so that the food will not dry out.

Keep for only 1 to 2 days.

Reheat leftovers only once and until steaming hot.

Fruit and vegetable bins

Although most fruit and vegetable varieties store best at low temperatures, take care not to store the following at temperatures of less than 47˚F (7˚C) for long periods.

Citrus fruit Melons Eggplant Pineapple Paw Paw

Courgettes Passionfruit Cucumber Peppers Tomatoes Undesirable changes will occur at low temperatures such as softening of the flesh, browning and/or accelerated decaying.

Do not refrigerate avocados (until they are ripe), bananas, mangoes or pepinos. If possible store fruit and vegetables separately. ie. fruit in one bin and vegetables in the other.


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Contents Refrigeration Page Contenido ContentsTable des matières Disposal ElectricalCleaning Power failure food safetyStoring food and drinks Installation Four Essential Requirements PowerLocation StabilityVentilation and Installation Energy efficiencyMoving or Storing Your Refrigerator Moving your refrigeratorStoring your refrigerator or freezer Vacation timeFresh food compartment Temperature controlFreezer foods compartment Active Smart Operating Instructions Sabbath modeNormal refrigerator sounds Door alarms Fault alarmsFruit & vegetable bins and humidity control cover Ice trays and lidActive Smart Maintenance Replacement of the interior light halogen light bulbInterior Exterior Stainless exterior doorOther exterior surfaces Water evaporator trayCleaning Care Special Features Wire basket freezer binsInterior Glass shelves Glass shelves fruit & vegetable bins & coverFresh food care Storing Food in your RefrigeratorDairy foods and eggs Red meat PoultryFish & seafood Precooked foods and leftoversFrozen food care Storing Food in your FreezerRecommended freezer storage times Meat, poultry and game FishVegetables Prepared and cooked foodsProblem Solving Checklist Problem Possible Causes What to doProblem Possible Causes What to doLimited Warranty Fisher & Paykel undertakes toHow long does this limited warranty last? This warranty does not coverCommerical use How to get serviceNo other warranties Advertencia PeligroEliminación EléctricoFalla de energía eléctrica Seguridad del Alimento Almacenando Alimentos y BebidasLimpieza Instalación Cuatro Requerimientos Esenciales Energía eléctricaUbicación EstabilidadVentilación e Instalación Eficiencia de la EnergíaMoviendo o Almacenando su Refrigerador Moviendo su refrigeradorAlmacenando su refrigerado o congelador Tiempo de VacacionesInstrucciones de Operación del ‘Active Smart’ Control de temperaturaCompartimento del alimento fresco Compartimento de alimentos congeladosModo Sabático Sonidos normales del refrigeradorAlarmas de puerta Alarmas de fallaCaracterísticas Especiales del ‘Active Smart’ Bandejas para hielo y tapaMantenimiento del ‘Active Smart’ Reemplazo de la luz interior Bulbo de Luz de HalógenoCuidado de Limpieza Interior/Exterior Exterior Puerta con exterior inoxidableOtras superficies exteriores Charola evaporadora de aguaInterior Estantes de vidrio Estantes de vidrio Recipientes y tapa de fruta y vegetalesEstantes de la puerta Recipientes de canasta de alambre del congeladorGuardando Comida en su Refrigerador Cuidado de comida frescaAlimentos lácteos y huevos Los olores fuertesCarne roja Carne de aves de corralPescado y mariscos Alimentos ya cocinados y sobrantesCuidado de la comida congelada Guardando Comida en su CongeladorTiempos de almacenamiento recomendados para congelamiento Carne, aves y caza PescadoVegetales Alimentos preparados y cocinadosLista de comprobación para solucionar problemas Problema Causas posibles Qué hacerProblema Causas posibles Qué hacerGarantía limitada Fisher & Paykel se compromete a¿Cuánto dura esta Garantía Limitada? Esta garantía no cubreCómo obtener servicio Uso comercialNinguna otra garantía Partir de la fecha de la adquisición originalMise au rebut AvertissementÉlectricité Panne de courant Hygiène alimentaire Stockage des aliments et des boissonsNettoyage Installation Quatre exigences essentielles EmplacementAlimentation StabilitéEfficacité énergétique Aération et installationEnlever les poussières de la fabrication et du transport Déplacement ou entreposage du réfrigérateur Déplacement du réfrigérateurEntreposage du réfrigérateur ou du congélateur VacancesProcédures de mise en marche de l’Active Smart Le contrôle de la températureRéfrigérateur CongélateurMode Sabbat Sons normaux du réfrigérateurAlarmes des portes Alarmes de notification d’anomaliesCaractéristiques spéciales de l’Active Smart Moule à glaçons et couverclesRemplacement de la lumière intérieure ampoule halogène Entretien de l’Active SmartNettoyage IntérieurExtérieur Porte extérieure en inox Autres surfaces extérieuresNettoyage Caractéristiques spéciales Intérieur Clayettes en verreClayettes en verre Bacs à fruits et légumes et couvercle Balconnets de porteConservation des aliments frais Conservation des aliments au réfrigérateurProduits laitiers et oeufs La viande rouge VolaillePoisson et fruits de mer Aliments précuits et restesConservation des aliments au congélateur Durée de conservation recommandée des aliments congelésConservation des aliments congelés Viande, volaille et gibier PoissonLégumes Aliments préparés et cuitsUn problème! Que faire? Problème Causes possibles Quoi faireProblème Causes possibles Quoi faireGarantie limitée Fisher & Paykel s’engage àDurée de la garantie limitée Cette garantie ne couvre pas ce qui suitPour obtenir de l’assistance Usage commercialCopyright Reserved Fisher & Paykel Tous droits réservés Fisher & Paykel