Fisher & Paykel ActiveSmart manual Storing Food in your Freezer, Frozen food care

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Storing Food in your Freezer


The use of temperatures of 0˚F (-18˚C) or colder to store food means that the food can be kept for longer periods than when refrigeration temperatures are used. This is because the growth of bacteria, moulds and yeasts are stopped, and chemical and physical reactions are severely restricted at very low temperatures.

Frozen food care

For best results:

Choose only high quality foods that freeze well.

Store at 0˚F (-18˚C) or colder. Take care to maintain this low storage temperature e.g. try to avoid opening the freezer door unnecessarily.

If your ice cream is soft you are running your freezer too warm. Leave space at the top of containers, glass jars or plastic bags

containing liquids or semi-solid foods. These expand as they freeze. Usually 1” (2-5cm) head space is recommended. Seal. Ideally, remove all the air from the package after food is frozen.

Packages or containers of solid foods should have the air removed from them and be sealed tightly before freezing.

Freeze immediately and as quickly as possible. Freeze only small quantities of food at any one time. For best results we recommend that only 2.2lb (1kg) of food be frozen per 0.9 cu. ft (25 L) freezer capacity. (About 7 lb (3 kg) in small freezers and 9 lb (4kg) in larger freezers).

Do not pile frozen food around the fan cover. It can prevent adequate air circulation. Thaw foods preferably in a refrigerator, or using a microwave oven or multifunction oven. Keep a constant turnover of food. Use older items of food first. Do not exceed recommended storage times.

Use good quality freezer proof packaging to maintain food quality.

If food is only covered in plastic film place inside a freezer-proof plastic bag.

Recommended freezer storage times

These times should not be exceeded.

M o n t h s







Bacon, casseroles, milk

Bread, ice-cream, sausages, pies – (meat and fruit), prepared shellfish, oily fish

Non oily fish, shellfish, pizza, scones and muffins

Ham, cakes, biscuits, beef, chops and lamb

Poultry pieces, butter, vegetables (blanched), eggs whole and yolks, cooked crayfish, minced meat (raw), pork (raw)

Fruit (dry or in syrup), egg whites, beef (raw), whole chicken, lamb (raw), fruit cakes


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Contents Refrigeration Page Table des matières ContentsContenido Electrical DisposalStoring food and drinks Power failure food safetyCleaning Power Installation Four Essential RequirementsLocation StabilityEnergy efficiency Ventilation and InstallationMoving your refrigerator Moving or Storing Your RefrigeratorStoring your refrigerator or freezer Vacation timeFreezer foods compartment Temperature controlFresh food compartment Normal refrigerator sounds Sabbath modeActive Smart Operating Instructions Fault alarms Door alarmsFruit & vegetable bins and humidity control cover Ice trays and lidReplacement of the interior light halogen light bulb Active Smart MaintenanceExterior Stainless exterior door InteriorOther exterior surfaces Water evaporator trayWire basket freezer bins Cleaning Care Special FeaturesInterior Glass shelves Glass shelves fruit & vegetable bins & coverDairy foods and eggs Storing Food in your RefrigeratorFresh food care Poultry Red meatFish & seafood Precooked foods and leftoversRecommended freezer storage times Storing Food in your FreezerFrozen food care Fish Meat, poultry and gameVegetables Prepared and cooked foodsProblem Possible Causes What to do Problem Solving ChecklistWhat to do Problem Possible CausesFisher & Paykel undertakes to Limited WarrantyThis warranty does not cover How long does this limited warranty last?No other warranties How to get serviceCommerical use Peligro AdvertenciaEliminación EléctricoLimpieza Almacenando Alimentos y BebidasFalla de energía eléctrica Seguridad del Alimento Energía eléctrica Instalación Cuatro Requerimientos EsencialesUbicación EstabilidadEficiencia de la Energía Ventilación e InstalaciónMoviendo su refrigerador Moviendo o Almacenando su RefrigeradorAlmacenando su refrigerado o congelador Tiempo de VacacionesControl de temperatura Instrucciones de Operación del ‘Active Smart’Compartimento del alimento fresco Compartimento de alimentos congeladosSonidos normales del refrigerador Modo SabáticoAlarmas de falla Alarmas de puertaCaracterísticas Especiales del ‘Active Smart’ Bandejas para hielo y tapaReemplazo de la luz interior Bulbo de Luz de Halógeno Mantenimiento del ‘Active Smart’Exterior Puerta con exterior inoxidable Cuidado de Limpieza Interior/ExteriorOtras superficies exteriores Charola evaporadora de aguaEstantes de vidrio Recipientes y tapa de fruta y vegetales Interior Estantes de vidrioEstantes de la puerta Recipientes de canasta de alambre del congeladorCuidado de comida fresca Guardando Comida en su RefrigeradorAlimentos lácteos y huevos Los olores fuertesCarne de aves de corral Carne rojaPescado y mariscos Alimentos ya cocinados y sobrantesTiempos de almacenamiento recomendados para congelamiento Guardando Comida en su CongeladorCuidado de la comida congelada Pescado Carne, aves y cazaVegetales Alimentos preparados y cocinadosProblema Causas posibles Qué hacer Lista de comprobación para solucionar problemasQué hacer Problema Causas posiblesFisher & Paykel se compromete a Garantía limitadaEsta garantía no cubre ¿Cuánto dura esta Garantía Limitada?Uso comercial Cómo obtener servicioNinguna otra garantía Partir de la fecha de la adquisición originalÉlectricité AvertissementMise au rebut Nettoyage Stockage des aliments et des boissonsPanne de courant Hygiène alimentaire Emplacement Installation Quatre exigences essentiellesAlimentation StabilitéEnlever les poussières de la fabrication et du transport Aération et installationEfficacité énergétique Déplacement du réfrigérateur Déplacement ou entreposage du réfrigérateurEntreposage du réfrigérateur ou du congélateur VacancesLe contrôle de la température Procédures de mise en marche de l’Active SmartRéfrigérateur CongélateurSons normaux du réfrigérateur Mode SabbatAlarmes de notification d’anomalies Alarmes des portesCaractéristiques spéciales de l’Active Smart Moule à glaçons et couverclesEntretien de l’Active Smart Remplacement de la lumière intérieure ampoule halogèneIntérieur NettoyageExtérieur Porte extérieure en inox Autres surfaces extérieuresIntérieur Clayettes en verre Nettoyage Caractéristiques spécialesClayettes en verre Bacs à fruits et légumes et couvercle Balconnets de porteProduits laitiers et oeufs Conservation des aliments au réfrigérateurConservation des aliments frais Volaille La viande rougePoisson et fruits de mer Aliments précuits et restesConservation des aliments congelés Durée de conservation recommandée des aliments congelésConservation des aliments au congélateur Poisson Viande, volaille et gibierLégumes Aliments préparés et cuitsProblème Causes possibles Quoi faire Un problème! Que faire?Quoi faire Problème Causes possiblesFisher & Paykel s’engage à Garantie limitéeCette garantie ne couvre pas ce qui suit Durée de la garantie limitéeUsage commercial Pour obtenir de l’assistanceTous droits réservés Fisher & Paykel Copyright Reserved Fisher & Paykel