Mechanical Options Screen
This screen allows the user to change the number of hoppers, the predetermined gate cycle time, and the mixer bump time for detecting high level.
The gate cycle time has been measured and set at the factory, but might need to be adjusted if we change the mechanical design of the gate, solenoids, and air cylinders. This setting will vary depending on whether you are using a gate or an auger.
Figure 71: Typical Mechanical Options Screen
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Feeder Setup
This screen allows you to modify the type of each feeder. In most cases, the user will want to keep regrind on hopper 3 because that blender has been specifically designed to handle the regrind. These settings should only be modified under special circumstances.
If the blender is configured in “EZ Mode” then one hopper must be configured for Regrind and only one hopper must be configured for Virgin material. If this is incorrect, a message will be given on the Recipe Screen.
Figure 72: Typical Feeder Setup Screen
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