This setting should not be modified except by the developer except under unusual circumstances.
Figure 68: Typical Advanced Weight Options Screen
Weight Filter
Feed Algorithm Options Screen
Adjust the limit
for “Hopper Over
Max Weight”
Adjust Settle
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This screen allows the user to configure how the blender metering algorithm works. The user can adjust the Initial percentage of Target to Meter, the Allowed Underfeed value, the number of retries before Double Gate Time, the allowed Weight/Sec Drop, and the Out of Material retry limit.
Figure 69: Typical Feed Algorithm Options Screen
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Feed Calibration Options Screen
This screen allows you to perform the feeder calibrations for each feeder (in weight per second). This is useful when the feed calibration is giving you an error message (most commonly caused by overfilling the hopper during the calibration). Select a feeder and then follow instructions. An error is shown if the current feeder calibration feed time was too short, the feed time was too long, or if the hopper weight exceeded 110% of the set batch weight. In the case that the feeder exceeded 110% (maximum hopper weight) due to a high rate hopper then the “Batch % for Feeder Cal” setting might be set too high. Consult the manufacturer if this problem arises. The current feeder calibration values are also shown on this page. It is not necessary to perform feeder calibrations. The blender will automatically learn these values during the batch.
Figure 70: Typical Feed Calibration Options Screen
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Chapter 7: 6BAppendix | 88 of 101 |