Calibration Completed
This response would blend nicely with a subwoofer, crossing over at 50 Hz. (It would also be improved by moving the microphone around as you normally do, so as to give the system more information about what is going on in the room.)
So, from these quick measurements you can see that an HF Trim of about
Congratulations – your system is fully set up and calibrated.
You can use the close box shown at the top right corner of the screen (shown above) to exit MultEQ® Pro, returning you to the last page of WisdomSystem- Config.exe.
If you would like to calibrate another setup memory, select the next one in order (e.g., EQ 2 after you have saved EQ 1) and repeat the MultEQ® Pro por- tion of the setup process. This allows you to take advantage of multiple target curves, or different seating arrangements, or different acoustic conditions such as having heavy drapes open or closed.