Measuring additional positions
phone was calibrated at “grazing incidence” and should point to the ceiling, not at any of the speakers.
•Make the room as quiet as possible. Background noise can disrupt the room measurements. Close windows, silence cell phones, televisions, radios, air conditioners, fluorescent lights, home appli- ances, light dimmers, or other devices.
•Cell phones should be turned off or placed away from all audio electronics during the measurement process as Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) may cause measurement disruptions (even if the cell phone is not in use).
•Refrain from talking and don’t sit or stand directly between any of the speakers and the microphone during the room measurements. Each speaker emits a series of test signals during the measure- ments and your body and background noise can disrupt the mi- crophone’s ability to record the room response to the test signal.
The first (Position 1) measurement must be located at the primary listening posi- tion, as this is the measurement that establishes both distance and level settings for your surround processor. Place the microphone’s tip at a location halfway between where the primary listener’s ears would be, pointing at the ceiling.
Click the Measure button. Each speaker will be “chirped” ten times, followed by a brief pause during which it remains important to be quiet. This is because the system is measuring background noise levels to ascertain the quality of the data it just obtained.
When the system has successfully measured each speaker, the application will be ready to measure the next measurement position. Start at the center of the listening area and then take measurements around it spaced by