Gas Pressure Fryer | Introduction |
Always Make Sure The Lid Hook Is Latched When
Closing The Fryer
To make sure the lid hook is latched properly, press down the lid until the hook snaps shut. Hot shortening and steam can escape if the lid hook is not latched properly. You could be burned.
Always Tighten The Spin Handle When Closing
The Fryer
Hot shortening and steam can escape if you do not tighten the spin handle properly. You could be burned. Line up the orange knobs on the fryer lid handle and the front hook when tightening.
Do Not Over-Tighten The Spin Handle
You could damage the fryer.
Wear Safe Clothing Appropriate To Your Job
Always wear your insulated mitts when handling the fryer basket or touch any hot metal surfaces. You received a pair of insulated mitts with your fryer. If you lose or damage your mitts, you can buy new ones at your local restaurant equipment supply store or from your local BKI Distributor.
Always wear
Always wear appropriate personal protection equipment during the filtering process to guard against possible injury from hot oil.
Always wear appropriate personal protection equipment during the
Never Loosen The Spin Handle Until The
Pressure Gauge Is At Zero
Steam may escape suddenly if you loosen the spin handle before the gauge is at zero. If steam escapes suddenly, you could be burned.
After the pressure gauge is at zero, wait 5 seconds. Then loosen the spin handle slowly to open the lid of the fryer. By doing this, the steam will escape slowly and you will not be burned.
Seal The Safety Valve Properly
To seal the safety valve, lift the arm on the side of the valve. Then release it. The valve should snap closed. Hot steam can escape from the valve and you could be burned if you do not seal the valve properly.