Library Pages
These are the pages from where all preset handling is controlled when using the TC Icon Editor.
To recall a preset:
•Simply select the desired preset by clicking on the preset name in the list.
•Then press the RECALL button
Preset List | Recall button |
System Presets:
There are 3 System User memory locations plus 1 Factory Default. Neither are affected by Normal recall operations.
System User memory 1 is always recalled on machine Power On.
System presets include:
Analog Trim, Meters, Dither, Remote and Bypass settings.
Please see further description on System parameters later in this manual.
Engine Presets
Engine presets holds all parameters and settings from the Engine page.
User presets
The User banks U1 to U8 can hold up to 8 presets each. U1 is equivalent to presets that can be recalled from the eight Front panel PRESET keys.
Factory Presets:
P2 comes loaded from the factory with a collection of general purpose Factory presets organized in banks of 8.
Store - Delete
To store a preset:
•Select the Store page pressing the STORE side tab.
•Select a preset location.
•Press STORE.