Level Trim
Because P2 operates with 48 bit precision on all audio internally, it is possible to correct loudness manually without the risk of overloads. The Level Trim can be used for permanent
Range: 1:1.25 to 1:6
Ratio is the steering factor used when the Loudness Control applies boost or attenuation to reach the Target Level. The higher ratio, the more rigid steering towards the Target Level.
Average Rate (Avg Rate)
Time constants in the Loudness Control are changed dynamically with the Input signal based on computations by
The Average Rate offsets all time constants to be faster or slower. Values below 1dB/Sec produces a gain change gating effect when the Output level is already in the target zone, while values above 4dB/Sec will add density to sound.
Slow Window Range: 0 to 20 dB
The slow window is the area around the set Target Level.
Within the slow window the Loudness is only gently controlled. When the signal exceeds the limits of the Slow Window the Loudness is treated more radically. Depending on the set Average Rate and Ratio.